Tutorials Page 28

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    How to Patch Retry System into Super Mario ROMs

    I find myself watching less TV lately and much more time enjoying gamers stream on Twitch. While I too much PUBG, and enjoy watching people like Shroud and ChocoTaco hit bangers, I get more enjoyment out of Grand Poo Bear, Barbarian, and others play ultra difficult...

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    Awesome Visual Testing with Percy!

    The more complex the applications I work on, the more I rely on and invest in testing. Whether it's flow typing, jest tests, unit tests, or selenium tests, I rely on all of them to enforce integrity and save me from myself.One type of...

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    Flow Object.values(…)

    JavaScript typing utilities, like Flow and TypeScript, have become popular in JavaScript apps of all sizes. As I mentioned in our Script & Style Show typing podcast, typing is a great way to implicitly implement documentation and validation. Flow isn't always easy to...

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    JavaScript Detect Async Function

    JavaScript async/await has changed the landscape of how we code. We're no longer stuck in callback or then hell, and our code can feel more "top down" again.Async functions require the following syntax:To use await with a function, the function needs to be declared with...

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    Convert Video to Grayscale

    I'm a JavaScript fanatic but I've always been fascinated with media manipulation. Maybe it's because I've secretly always wanted to be a designer, but I'm fine with being able to manipulate art with software instead of create the art myself. One type of art I've always...

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    Remove Recent Applications from Dock

    A Mac user's dock is a sacred place. We customize our dock to no end, and if you're ultra organized like me, you even use dock separators to group your app icons.Apple recently implemented a feature which displays three recently used apps in the...

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    7 Useful JavaScript Tricks

    Just like every other programming language, JavaScript has dozens of tricks to accomplish both easy and difficult tasks. Some tricks are widely known while others are enough to blow your mind. Let's have a look at seven JavaScript tricks you can start using today!Get...

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    Open FaceTime Call from Command Line

    Communication tools are always associated with UIs, and for good reason -- if you want communication to be easy and intuitive, you need easy and intuitive interfaces. We need communication tools to provide the lowest barrier of entry, since not all users will be tech...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    How to Reverse a Video

    One of my favorite media utilities is ffmpeg. This command line utility allows us to do some pretty amazing stuff like;Slice videosConvert video formatsModify video speedCombine audio and videoEvery once in a while I see a meme or funny video that...

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    AI-Based Video Preview from Cloudinary

    The early days of video on the web weren't great. We started with custom browser plugins and codecs, then moved to Flash, and eventually we found our way HTML <video>. Once we solved the technology problem, we started using more video for content and advertising.