Tutorials Page 23

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    2019 Year in Review

    The beginning of every year starts out with all of us setting ambitious goals -- goals being personal and professional. Many of us rarely complete half of those goals, most abandoning them by the end of the year. In January of this year I...

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    Mirror Android Device to Computer

    As I continue my adventure into Android development, pair programming has been a huge help in learning this new platform. When it's time to build and run the app, relying on the emulator is a fools' game -- the emulator is slow and it's hard to...

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    Image Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading images is a practice that's been popular for a decade and for good reason: images are usually the heaviest downloads on a given webpage and avoiding unloading images that are never seen saves the user bandwidth. There are plugins for lazy loading images in...

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    Getting Started with GraphQL

    GraphQL was developed by Facebook in 2012 to power up its mobile apps. Since open-sourcing GraphQL specification in 2015, it gained a lot of popularity and is now used by many development teams, including giants like GitHub, Twitter or Airbnb. Why so? And what exactly...

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    Real-Time Google Search Results API with serpstack

    In my early web days, I was interested in scraping and collecting data based on the results of Google searches. Scraping Google was easier in those days but now Google search results are so dynamic that you can't rely on getting the same HTML or data...

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    Hello Fenix!

    Over seven years ago I made the massive career leap to Mozilla. Two years ago I realized a dream of joining the Firefox DevTools team -- it's been a rewarding adventure helping to improve the Firefox DevTools Debugger and other super helpful tools. I'm...

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    JavaScript waitForTime

    I write a lot of tests for new features within Firefox DevTools. We have hundreds of "mochitests" which open the browser and perform synthetic actions like clicking, typing, and other user actions. I've previously written about waitForever which essentially halts following actions without locking the...

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    Simple Scraping API with zenscrape

    So many developers believe that scraping a URL's content is easy -- just a simple curl and you're done, right? Nope. CAPTCHAs, rate limitations, origin-specific limitations -- they make getting content off the web a nightmare. Luckily we now have services like zenscrape...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    How to Use JPEG 2000 (JP2) for a Faster Images on iPhone

    Images Slow Down WebsitesImages slow down the page-loading performance of many websites. Audit tools like Google’s Lighthouse can quickly tell you how many seconds you can save by optimizing your images. When you are delivering to desktops or android devices running Chrome browser, a quick solution...

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    Firefox Kiosk Mode

    As someone who loves the HTML and web APIs, I want to see them used in all different types of devices and mediums. Being that I work for the amazing Mozilla Corporation, seeing Firefox and the gecko web engine thrive in those spaces is important...