Tutorials Page 22

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    Lazy Object Initialization

    The Firefox DevTools underlying code, which is written with JavaScript and HTML, is a complex application. Due to the complexity and amount of work going on, the DevTools team has done everything they can to load as little as possible. Furthermore the team has...

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    Land Your Dream Job with Vettery

    Whether you're an experienced pro or someone new to the industry, finding a great job can be a scary, stressful process. Engineers and designers get inundated with Hacker Rank tests, portfolio requests, and a variety of other queries. Vettery improves the experience for free...

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    Override window.alert

    For years the only bit of feedback web developers could get was via alert("{str}") calls. These days we have the web console but, in rare cases, we don't have a console and alert calls are our only window into a value at a given time.One problem...

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    Awesome Forward & Reverse Geocoding API: positionstack

    One awesome web functionality we take for granted is geolocation. Based on geolocation data, we can get someone to their destination, provide them suggestions based on their location, and so on. One downside of native geolocation, especially in the browser, is that it's limited in both...

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    Git Branch Autocompletion

    Naming git branches is something most of us have down to a science. My branch naming pattern is usually {issue number}-short-feature-description, though many developers prefer to lead with the description and end with the issue.Regardless of the pattern you use, having a feature like autocomplete...

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    IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence API: ipdata

    An IP address is a simple, numeric piece of information that gets passed to a server, but that IP address can provide a wealth of information with ipdata. With ipdata you can learn user location, language, currency, and much more!Quick Hitsipdata is an...

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    Fantastic Flight API with aviationstack

    I didn't fly until I was 25 years of age -- I was hopeless in knowing I had to be there early, the process of security, and the whole gate structure. Now that I've flown dozens of times for Mozilla, I feel much more comfortable...

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    Duplicated Argument Names

    Oftentimes we override or monkey patch functions and, in many cases, there are arguments we don't care too much about. A common practice for those arguments is using _ for argument names -- it's a generally accepted and known practice for "this isn't important".

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    Validate CSP from Command Line

    The content security policy spec has been an amazing front-end security tool to help prevent XSS and other types of attacks. I'd go as far to say that every site should implement as specific CSP as possible. If you aren't familiar with CSPs...

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    Goals For 2020

    Every new year brings about a sense of optimism that the next 365 can bring about big, positive changes in different phases of life. That's no exception for me and this blog. I did pretty well with last year's goals, so I thought I'd push...