Hello Fenix!

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Firefox Preview Over seven years ago I made the massive career leap to Mozilla. Two years ago I realized a dream of joining the Firefox DevTools team -- it's been a rewarding adventure helping to improve the Firefox DevTools Debugger and other super helpful tools. I'm frightened, excited, and surprised to announce that I've been loaned to the Firefox Fenix team!

What's Fenix? Fenix is the UI and UX for the upcoming revamp of Firefox on Android!

It's hard to describe the emotions of this loan move. I'm exited to participate in a massive product launch in the mobile space. I'm scared because I don't presently know Kotlin or the Android landscape. I'm encouraged that the Fenix team is so positive and driven to succeed. I'm afraid of the unknown.

In the end, it's the fear that drives you to push harder and succeed. If you aren't scared, you aren't aiming high enough. When you look back at life, the fondest accomplishments are the ones you walked into most terrified of. Wish me luck and look out for an amazing new Firefox experience for Android!

Recent Features

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  1. zakius

    I appreciate all the hard work you do with dev tools (though there are things I don’t like: new color scheme and font rendering are clearly worse), unfortunately these never get to the last usable Firefox version and are only released with quantumfox instead, that’s a shame cause I have to launch another browser when I want to use them instead of just working in my daily driver

  2. That sounds exciting! I can completely relate to this. After 14 years of front-end web development I recently jumped to a Release/DevOps engineering team. It was a bit scary initially and I felt like I had a lot to catch up on in a short amount of time but having a supportive team made all the difference. Not to mention, bringing different experience to the table seems to have worked out well for the team.

    Good luck!

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