Browsers Tutorials

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    Web Inspector and Firefox Dollar Functions

    Many of you probably didn't know this but WebKit-based like Safari and Chrome, in addition to Firefox, contain special dollar functions within the console object that allow you to grab elements within the current page.  While I've not determined the use of each method, a few...

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    MooTools 1.3 Browser Object

    MooTools 1.3 was just released and one of the big additions is the Browser object.  The Browser object is very helpful in that not only do you get information about browser type and browser versions, you can gain information about the user's OS, browser plugins, and...

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    Image Reflections with CSS

    Image reflection is a great way to subtly spice up an image.  The first method of creating these reflections was baking them right into the images themselves.  Within the past few years, we've introduced JavaScript strategies and CANVAS alternatives to achieve image reflections without...

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    WebKit Marquee CSS:  Bringin’ Sexy Back

    We all joke about the days of Web yesteryear.  You remember them:  stupid animated GIFs (flames and "coming soon" images, most notably), lame counters, guestbooks, applets, etc.  Another "feature" we thought we had gotten rid of was the marquee.  The marquee was a rudimentary, javascript-like...

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    WebKit-Specific Style:  -webkit-appearance

    I was recently scoping out the horrid source code of the Google homepage when I noticed the "Google Search" and "I'm Feeling Lucky" buttons had a style definition I hadn't seen before:  -webkit-appearance.  The value assigned to the style was "push-button."  They are buttons so that...

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    Prevent Page Zooming in Mobile Browsers

    Ever since I got my iPhone, I've been more agreeable in going places that my fiancee wants to go. It's not because I have any interest in checking out women's shoes, looking at flowers, or that type of stuff -- it's because my iPhone lets...

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    Image onLoad Event + JavaScript Issue with Internet Explorer

    I was recently coding an application that would inject an image into the page and then execute a given function when the image's onLoad event fires. My code was working everywhere except Internet Explorer. That wasn't all together shocking initially but the fact that...

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    Test For Popup Blocker Using JavaScript

    Several websites rely on the ever-so-annoying popup window. As much as well all hate popup windows, some websites do benefit and justly require them. The problem is that some people have their popup blocker on but don't know it -- thus the new window...

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    Turn Internet Explorer into Chrome with Chrome Frame

    I'm just going to cut to the chase: Internet Explorer is rubbish. I don't care what version you throw at me -- 6, 7, 8...rubbish. Apparently Google agrees with me because they've released Google Chrome Frame, a browser plugin and META tag system...

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    iPhone Hath Cometh

    If you follow me on Twitter or talk to me my IRC channel (#davidwalshblog on FreeNode), you know that I've been anticipating my birthday because BDay was iDay -- iPhone day, that is. My birthday has come and gone and I now possess...