Image Reflection with jQuery and MooTools

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Christina Ricci

One subtle detail that can make a big difference on any web design is the use of image reflections. Using them too often can become obnoxious but using reflections on large, "masthead" images is a classy enhancement. Unfortunately creating image reflections within your graphics application can be time-consuming, especially when an image can potentially change frequently. Luckily Christophe Beyls has created Reflection.js.

Reflection.js is a JavaScript utility available in both jQuery and MooTools that creates reflections for any images in a page. Reflection.js creates a new IMG element with special filters if the client is using IE -- if the client is not IE, Reflection.js creates a CANVAS element and constructs the reflection within the canvas.


<img src="cricci-player.jpg" alt="Christina Ricci" class="reflect" />

Add the reflect CSS class to any image you'd like to reflect.

The MooTools JavaScript Usage

window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	var options = { height: 0.5 };
	$$('img.reflect').each(function(img) {

The MooTools version of Reflection.js implements the reflect method to create reflections.

The jQuery JavaScript Usage

	document.ready(function() {
		var options = { opacity: 0.75 };

Much like MooTools method, you execute each element's reflect method.

Christophe's Reflection.js code is a great piece of work! Don't waste time making reflections in Photoshop -- use the power of JavaScript!

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  1. Haha! I was wondering where Christina had gone…

  2. @Chris the Developer: She’s never gone! :)

  3. Thx for the share, very useful script!
    Always wanted to know a possibility to do client-side reflections… ;)

  4. I agree with you that reflection.js is a great piece of code but… in my machine doesn’t work! :)
    I use mootools-1.2.4 via google api and other plugins.
    I found a solution, replace line 53:

    wrapper = new Element(($(img.parentNode).get("tag") == "a") ? "span" : "div").injectAfter(img).adopt(img, reflection);


    var parentNode = $(img.parentNode);
    if (parentNode != null) {
      wrapper = new Element((parentNode.get("tag") == "a") ? "span" : "div").injectAfter(img).adopt(img, reflection);
    else {
      wrapper = new Element("div").injectAfter(img).adopt(img, reflection);

    And… it seems to work! :)

    My two cents.

  5. I was really hoping this post would be “Introducing Scroll”

  6. Ah, I knew I had seen that script somewhere… when you mentioned Christophe Beyls, I knew I was right!

    Great sum up of the usage of the script. I personally prefer the demo provided by Christophe – more dynamic and such… though the muse is more hairy :D.

  7. nice post, great job, you made it come true. I think that’s what I am looking for.

    Your site is nice, too!

  8. Wow, didn’t know that it can be done coding. I was doing it in photoshop and stuff. Good tip, thanx

  9. @Nickolas Simard: Hairy muses FTL.

  10. abhay

    My client has said to me add refelection in about 300 images i know but i forgot it heopls meawesome it is so easy to understand thankyouuuuuuu very much.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!