Browsers Tutorials

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    Managing Firefox Add-ons with Version Updates

    Mozilla has decided to aggressively version and update their Firefox browser, much like Chrome has been, pushing out new major releases every 6 weeks.  I don't care what the version number is as long as the product improves (whether it be Firefox or any other...

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    Edge & Mobile Browsers

    From a developer's perspective, the Web is moving faster than ever. Thanks to reinvigorated browser vendors, frequent releases of new mobile devices, and our own need for better APIs and tools, we're seeing loads of movement across each platform. Since browser vendors like Mozilla...

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    Phone Number Detection in Mobile Safari

    Mobile Safari is chalk full of great features, one of them being the ability to detect phone numbers and turn them into links, allowing the user to tap the link and either call the number or add it to their address book.  There may be some...

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    Create an Exploding Logo with CSS3 and MooTools or jQuery

    When MooTools contributor and moo4q creator Ryan Florence first showed me his outstanding CSS animation post, I was floored.  His exploding text effect is an amazing example of the power of CSS3 and a dash of JavaScript.   I wanted to implement this...

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    Conditional CSS with MooTools’ Browser Object

    Whether we want to admit it or not, we all need a bit of browser-specific or even version-specific CSS sometimes.  We try to follow standards but in the end we're at the mercy of browsers.  And you know what?  Browsers sometimes have bugs that cause us...

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    Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and MooTools

    A goal of my latest blog redesign was to practice what I preached a bit more;  add a bit more subtle flair.  One of the ways I accomplished that was by using CSS3 animations to change the display of my profile icons (RSS, GitHub, etc.)  I...

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    MooTools ScrollSpy, Mobile Devices, JavaScript Scroll Events, and CSS Positioning

    One question I've been asked often is why ScrollSpy and my Go To Top link functionality don't appear to work well on the iPhone, iPad, or any other mobile device.  The problem is simple to identify and easy to fix.  The issue comes down...

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    WebSocket Update

    A few weeks back I published a post about the awesome new technology that is WebSockets and a great WebSocket wrapper called Socket.IO.  The HTML5 WebSocket API provides socket connection support for faster messaging between client and server.  Consider WebSocket an optimized AJAX solution.  SocketIO...

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    JavaScript Feature Detection with has.js

    Dojo Toolkit Project Lead Peter Higgins has been working on an exciting new project called has.js.  Higgins describes this project best: Browser sniffing and feature inference are flawed techniques for detecting browser support in client side JavaScript. The goal of has.js is to provide a...

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    HTML5’s window.postMessage API

    One of the little known HTML5 APIs is the window.postMessage API.  window.postMessage allows for sending data messages between two windows/frames across domains.  Essentially window.postMessage acts as cross-domain AJAX without the server shims. Let's take a look at how window.postMessage works and how you...