Browsers Tutorials

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    Open Firefox in Private Mode by Default

    Opening a Firefox Private Window is oftentimes the first step persons who value privacy do when they open their browser.  That made me think:  can you configure Firefox to open in private mode by default?  It turns out you can. about:config When you type about:config in the address bar of...

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    How to Test Firefox OS Apps on TV

    One of my responsibilities in my new role in Partner Engineering at Mozilla is testing HTML5-powered apps and games on Panasonic televisions.  The television in my office, a beautiful 60" 4K Ultra HD beast, is the perfect device for the job.  But how do I get the app...

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    Detecting Online Status with JavaScript

    It seems like there's been a huge push in the past year or two to make offline browsing an enjoyable experience with the web;  a large part of that push probably being HTML5 mobile apps, or just web apps in general.  Of course it would be helpful...

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    Intern Concurrency Problem

    Over the past year I've created and implemented Selenium testing on the Mozilla Developer Network using the Intern interface created by SitePen.  Intern's been awesome;  sure there's a learning curve with async JavaScript coding but it's simple when you get the hang of it. One problem I encountered with...

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    Geolocation API

    One interesting aspect of web development is geolocation; where is your user viewing your website from? You can base your language locale on that data or show certain products in your store based on the user's location. Let's examine how you can...

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    Google Art Project – Chrome Extension

    As my career progresses, I see more apps and services which try to invade my space.  Notifications, emails, alerts...everyone wants a piece of me.  And I'll level with you:  they drive me mad.  I want the least amount of interruptions as possible and I want the...

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    Web Notifications API

    Every UI framework has the same set of widgets which have become almost essential to modern sites: modals, tooltips, button varieties, and notifications.  One problem I find is each site having their own widget colors, styles, and more -- users don't get a consistent experience.  Apparently the...

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    JavaScript Battery API: Promises

    Working at Mozilla has afforded me the time to look at new APIs, one of them being the Battery API.  I wrote about the Battery API a while back, when the API was fresh into browsers.  Since then the Battery API has changed, implementing a promise-based...

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    Disable the User’s JavaScript Console

    There are a few giant companies out there, namely Facebook and Netflix, who have decided to effectively disable a user's ability to execute JavaScript console commands.  The decision was initially made by Facebook to prevent users from executing a specific set of commands which...

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    3 Solutions for Supporting Internet Explorer

    In the beginning, Internet Explorer was the progressive browser.  After a period of inactivity, Internet Explorer became the bane of our existence.  Microsoft has since recommitted to their browser but the fact remains that sometimes modern Internet Explorer is lagging just a bit behind WebKit-based browsers and...