Browsers Tutorials

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    Open Multiple Firefox Tabs from Command Line

    Now that I work on Firefox Developer Tools, I'm really starting to learn some of the tricks of building, debugging, and launching Firefox.  Once I start using Firefox at a developer level each day, the more I become amazed at how configurable and easy to work...

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    Create a Simple Web Extension

    Much like multimedia support in the browser, we initially did browser add-ons all wrong.  For years each browser had its own language and method for installing add-ons, leading to security exploits, performance problems, painful maintenance for developers, and frustrating user experiences.  Today we have the Web Extension API...

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    Convert Websites to Apps

    Converting a website to a native app, whether on mobile or desktop, can be quite useful.  The problem with bookmarks, especially for software engineers, is that we often need to work in different browsers, so having everything in one browser's bookmark set can be a pain.  I'd also argue that websites with...

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    Create WebPage Screenshots with Node.js and SlimerJS

    Last week I featured PhantomJS, a headless WebKit tool, which allows for taking screenshots, automating events on the page, and so on.  PhantomJS is an excellent tool that does so much but being locked into the WebKit engine doesn't help if you want to test other rendering engines like...

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    Set Chrome as Default Browser from Command Line

    Whenever I see a desktop GUI to accomplish a given web-related task, I'm dying to know the underlying operating system interaction to accomplish the same feat.  Many of the GUIs I use are just a front for a command line utility for that more experienced developers would use. I set...

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    5 More Awesome New Mozilla Technologies You’ve Never Heard Of

    My original 5 Awesome Mozilla Technologies You've Never Heard Of post got a huge response and it was well deserved -- Mozilla's pool of amazing talent not only dreams up awesome projects but brings them to fruition.  A few years have gone by and we've seen...

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    Permissions API

    Many of the functionalities that we're translated from mobile to the web require permission from the user.  Think about geolocation, audio/video access (think getUserMedia for camera access), and likewise APIs.  We can probably all agree that requiring permission for access to these APIs is a good thing, but I see a...

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    Use Mozilla Firefox DevTools in Chrome

    I shared on Twitter last week that I do casual browsing in Google Chrome but do most of my development work in Firefox.  I can't give a great reason for doing so but Firefox has seemed like a development "security blanket" since I was in college (over a...

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    Gamepad API and Xbox Controller on Mac

    The Mozilla MozVR team was demonstrating the open WebVR standard as well as A-Frame at GDC a few weeks ago and people were intrigued; some were surprised the web could handle VR, some probably just thought our VR line was smaller (it was by miles), and others saw...

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    Set Default Browser on Mac

    I like using edge browsers each day so that I'm aware of what features my website visitors will be seeing down the road, and to get an early glimpse at new browser and API features.  I prefer to do my basic browsing in Chrome Canary and...