Browsers Tutorials

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    5 Awesome New Mozilla Technologies You’ve Never Heard Of

    My trip to Mozilla Summit 2013 was incredible.  I've spent so much time focusing on my project that I had lost sight of all of the great work Mozillians were putting out.  MozSummit provided the perfect reminder of how brilliant my colleagues are and how much...

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    Remove Search Box Buttons in WebKit

    I love all of the (relatively) new HTML5 INPUT element types.  If you aren't using them...what the hell is wrong with you?! please do.  New types like search and email make these form fields infinitely more usable on mobile.  What I don't necessarily like is how...

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    Free IE Virtual Machines

    Microsoft has been working their butts off to repair the image of their flagship browser, Internet Explorer.  They've done so by adhering to standards they previously scoffed at, creating a website with awesome IE-compliant demos, adding useful developer tools, hiring...

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    One Year At Mozilla

    When I was a naive but bright-eyed kid attending a small technical college in 2002, I was first introduced to Mozilla.  The Mozilla browser looked incredibly similar to Netscape but provided a few additional development tools (like syntax-highlighted source windows)!  Developing within Mozilla's browser really sparked...

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    Detect Vendor Prefix with JavaScript

    Regardless of our position on vendor prefixes, we have to live with them and occasionally use them to make things work.  These prefixes can be used in two formats:  the CSS format (-moz-, as in -moz-element) and the JS format (navigator.mozApps).  The awesome X-Tag project has...

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    Square Search Boxes in WebKit

    The new INPUT type of search is a nice semantic addition given to us under the HTML5 label. Unfortunately this element isn't ultra-stylable within WebKit. Here's a quick trick I've found to make input[type=search] elements look like their basic text counterparts: Using -webkit-appearance: textfield allows...

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    Firefox OS Simulator

    If you haven't heard yet, Mozilla is working on an awesome new phone OS called Firefox OS.  From a developer's perspective, highlights include: all apps are and will be created from CSS, JavaScript, and HTML the OS is open source each app runs as its...

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    Custom Scrollbars in WebKit

    Before each of the browser vendors we like was providing unique CSS controls, Internet Explorer was setting the tone.  One such example is IE's early implementation of CSS filters. Internet Explorer was also the first browser that allowed developers to, for better or worse, customize...

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    CSS Vendor Prefixes

    What are the Vendor Prefixes? Vendor prefixes are small strings prepended to CSS properties that will ensure that the property will only be valid and rendered within the given browser engine.  Chrome and Safari both use the WebKit rendering engine, Firefox uses Gecko, Internet Explorer uses Trident...

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    Detecting Mozilla App Install Capabilities with JavaScript

    If you follow me on Twitter, you know I'm riveting super excited about the forthcoming Firefox Marketplace. A marketplace where you can download desktop, tablet, and mobile phone applications based on web technologies, from a host with a record as awesome as Mozilla, is...