Open Multiple Firefox Tabs from Command Line

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Now that I work on Firefox Developer Tools, I'm really starting to learn some of the tricks of building, debugging, and launching Firefox.  Once I start using Firefox at a developer level each day, the more I become amazed at how configurable and easy to work with Firefox is.p>

Since a good portion of my day is spent working on the Firefox DevTools debugger inside a browser in what we call "launchpad", I need shortcuts to make launching and setting up Firefox for development quick.  The following command allows me to launch Firefox with the multiple tabs I need:

/Applications/ \
    -new-tab -url \
    -new-tab -url

Incorporating a command like this into a setup.shor likewise file to start my debugging makes setting up a development environment so easy.  There's nothing worse than creating tabs and typing the same URLs over and over!

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