Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Generating Alternative Stylesheets for Browsers Without @media

    If your CSS code is built with a mobile-first approach, it probably contains all the rules that make up the "desktop" view inside @media statements. That's great, but browsers that don't support media queries (IE 8 and below) will simply ignore them, ending up getting the...

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    Say Goodbye to Vendor Prefixes

    Imagine you're lying on a beach. Waves slide up and down a sandy shore while the warm sun beats down on your skin. You sip a cool, refreshing drink, and sigh as gulls faintly caw in the distance. A gentle breeze lightly brushes your fingers as they...

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    GSAP + SVG for Power Users 2: Complex Responsive Animation

    This is the second article in a series about the GreenSock Animation API and SVG. This series isn't intended for beginners, but rather a deep dive into some of the more exciting and lesser-known features that one can work with after they've gotten past the initial...

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    Developers Have WordPress, Amateurs Have Squarespace, Professional Designers Have the NEW Webydo!

    Web design platforms have traditionally come in one of two varieties. There are the solutions like WordPress and Drupal that are incredibly powerful, but an understanding of web development and coding is required to be able to use those platforms effectively. On the other side of the...

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    Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos II

    Hey everyone! Before we get started, I just want to say it's damn hard to pick this few favorites on CodePen. Not because, as a co-founder of CodePen, I feel like a dad picking which kid he likes best (RUDE). But because there is just so...

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    GSAP + SVG for Power Users: Motion Along A Path

    Now that the GreenSock API is picking up steam, there are many tutorials and Getting Started guides out there to provide good introductions to the library, not to mention GreenSock's own Forum and Documentation. This article isn't intended for beginners, but rather a...

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    Crafting a 3D React Carousel

    There is something in me that is amazed but beautiful 3D interfaces. And it doesn't matter whether they're functional like Gyroscope features menu, technology demonstrators like the amazing periodic table demo from famous or they're artistic representation pushing the limits of...

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    Collaborative Editing in JavaScript: An Intro to Operational Transformation

    I've set out to build a robust collaborative code editor for the web. It's called Codr, and it lets developers work together in real time - like Google Docs for code. For web developers, Codr doubles as a shared reactive work surface where every change is...

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    Five JavaScript Errors That Attack Without Warning

    "The Web is the most hostile software engineering environment imaginable." — Douglas Crockford We run web applications in a hostile environment. With each page-view, our JavaScript is deployed over an unpredictable network into a browser that we do not control. It's scary, but we've broken down five JavaScript...

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    Intro to JavaScript Animation

    Despite what many developers believe, CSS-based animation is not the only performant way to animate on the web. There's also JavaScript—and JS has some incredible advantages. By abandoning JavaScript for CSS, like many developers do, we are bloating our stylesheets, sacrificing animation timing control, and forgoing physics-based...