Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Improving WordPress Commenting with Postmatic

    We've set out to create a fantastic commenting plugin for WordPress. It's called Postmatic and what it does is a first for any blogging system: to allow synchronous 100% email and web-based commenting. The web folks can engage via the web. The email folks can stick...

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    An Introduction to Static Site Generators

    Static site generators seem to have been becoming more and more popular recently, but they're not one of those ephemeral novelty things that grow in popularity as quickly as they fall into oblivion shortly after. For over a decade, many different projects - 394 of...

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    Automated Tests for Visual Responsive Layouts

    Today it's all about testing. In 2015, many developers knows about TDD and I personally think that testing is one of the key for quality products. But what about testing in a Front-end environment? How do you guys write your tests for a responsive page or...

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    Getting Dicey With Flexbox

    What if you could build complex CSS layouts in minutes? Flexbox is a new CSS layout spec that makes it easy to construct dynamic layouts. With flexbox, vertical centering, same-height columns, reordering, and direction agnosticism are a piece of cake. There's a popular myth floating around that...

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    Jack Rugile’s Favorite CodePen Demos

    CodePen is an amazing source of inspiration for code and design. I am blown away every day by the demos users create. As you'll see below, I have an affinity toward things that move. It was difficult to narrow down my favorites, but here they are!

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    Reducing Memory Leaks when Working with Animations

    I have been doing a lot of work with Snap.svg recently and you may have already seen an article a while back regarding SVG animations. After the article had been published, I took some time out to review the code I had written and found that...

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    ES6: Features By Testing

    TL;DR Use the service to perform feature tests of ES6+ features. The results of these tests are cached by default in the user's browser, and shared across all sites the user visits that use this service. In the bootstrapper for your site/app, check the results of...

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    Web Animation using JavaScript:  Animating Text
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    WebP Images & Performance

    It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but online, a picture can be worth a thousand kilobytes or more! HTTP Archive shows that images make up 64% of a Web page's total size on average. With this in mind, image...

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    Measuring Performance

    Clients care deeply about web performance and they depend on us to articulate and measure how well their website is performing. If you have a service level agreement (SLA) with your client, and you should, then learning how to measure key metrics is crucial...