CSS Tutorials

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    Crafting Twelve-Column Layouts with Flexbox

    If there's one thing flexbox excels at, it's twelve-column layouts. In a twelve-column layout, the page is broken into twelve invisible columns. These columns have small amounts of space between them, called gutters. The page is divided into rows, and the containers in the rows take...

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    Add Custom CSS to WordPress Admin

    Believe it or not, I spend an awful lot of time going through my blog's comments and correcting spelling issues, code formatting, etc.; yes, even the comments from way back to 2007.  It's mostly for quality control purposes and ease of reading for my readers, especially the code...

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    Simple Image Lazy Load and Fade

    One of the quickest and easiest website performance optimizations is decreasing image loading.  That means a variety of things, including minifying images with tools like ImageOptim and TinyPNG, using data URIs and sprites, and lazy loading images.  It's a bit jarring when you're lazy loading images and they just...

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    Generating Alternative Stylesheets for Browsers Without @media

    If your CSS code is built with a mobile-first approach, it probably contains all the rules that make up the "desktop" view inside @media statements. That's great, but browsers that don't support media queries (IE 8 and below) will simply ignore them, ending up getting the...

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    Say Goodbye to Vendor Prefixes

    Imagine you're lying on a beach. Waves slide up and down a sandy shore while the warm sun beats down on your skin. You sip a cool, refreshing drink, and sigh as gulls faintly caw in the distance. A gentle breeze lightly brushes your fingers as they...

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    GSAP + SVG for Power Users 2: Complex Responsive Animation

    This is the second article in a series about the GreenSock Animation API and SVG. This series isn't intended for beginners, but rather a deep dive into some of the more exciting and lesser-known features that one can work with after they've gotten past the initial...

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    Crafting a 3D React Carousel

    There is something in me that is amazed but beautiful 3D interfaces. And it doesn't matter whether they're functional like Gyroscope features menu, technology demonstrators like the amazing periodic table demo from famous or they're artistic representation pushing the limits of...

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    Intro to JavaScript Animation

    Despite what many developers believe, CSS-based animation is not the only performant way to animate on the web. There's also JavaScript—and JS has some incredible advantages. By abandoning JavaScript for CSS, like many developers do, we are bloating our stylesheets, sacrificing animation timing control, and forgoing physics-based...

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    Automated Tests for Visual Responsive Layouts

    Today it's all about testing. In 2015, many developers knows about TDD and I personally think that testing is one of the key for quality products. But what about testing in a Front-end environment? How do you guys write your tests for a responsive page or...

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    Getting Dicey With Flexbox

    What if you could build complex CSS layouts in minutes? Flexbox is a new CSS layout spec that makes it easy to construct dynamic layouts. With flexbox, vertical centering, same-height columns, reordering, and direction agnosticism are a piece of cake. There's a popular myth floating around that...