CSS Tutorials

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    Creating Spacers with Flexbox

    I was one of the biggest fans of flexbox before it hit but, due to being shuffled around at Mozilla, I never had the chance to use it in any practice project; thus, flexbox still seems like a bit of a mystery to me.  This greatly...

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    Focusing on Focus

    What's up my a11y allies? Were you aware that the mouse and keyboard handle focus differently? Well it's true. Both handle them differently, and depending on what browser you are in also matters...a lot actually. Focus is a crucial element to the usage and experience of the...

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    Shoelace.css: A Back to the Basics CSS Starter Kit

    CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Semantic UI have become an essential part of web design. They provide the necessary resets, default styles, and components that save us hours and hours of work. Most CSS frameworks are built using preprocessors such as Less or Sass, which is...

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    Reverse Element Order with CSS Flexbox

    CSS is becoming more and more powerful these days, almost to the point where the order of HTML elements output to the page no longer matters from a display standpoint -- CSS lets you do so much that almost any layout, large or small, is possible.  Semantics...

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    Responsive Images with Client Hints

    It doesn't take being a performance fanatic to know that images can really slow down a page's load time.  We've come a long way when it comes to images, from lazy loading them to using better image formats like WebP, but they all involve loading the...

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    Canvas Filters

    Adding filters to images can make them more eye-catching and shareable -- just ask Instagram, Snapchat, Prism, and every other app out there.  A few years back we got the awesome CSS filters feature, allowing us to use a fixed set of filter methods to make our photos...

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    Prevent Body Scrolling

    One of my pet peeves with fixed or absolute positioned elements is the <body> scrolling while you scroll the the positioned element.  Have you ever tried scrolling a dialog and seeing the page scroll in the background?  Awful user experience, bordering on embarrassing.  Yikes. So what's the best way...

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    CSS user-select

    In my quest to contribute to every Mozilla project possible, I spent some time last Friday making updates to Firefox DevTools.  The JSON Viewer component needed some love so that was first on my list.  While viewing the CSS for the JSON Viewer component, I saw something I...

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    mix-blend-mode: multiply

    One of my favorite interview questions is "how do you stay current on emerging front-end techniques and APIs?"  I always get the standard "blogs" and "RSS" answers but rarely do I ever hear "from gurus on Twitter."  I find that strange because I learn loads from Twitter...

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    Get Element Dimensions After CSS Transform

    I've been playing a lot with meta viewports recently due to seeing many HTML5 TV apps coded explicitly for 1280x720 which you'll see on many HD televisions.  We all know that it's a much better practice to use responsive design than hardcode dimensions but, that aside, meta...