Tutorials Page 20

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    Offscreen Text for Copy & Paste

    The relationship between HTML and CSS is special: mixing content via HTML with presentation from CSS to make an awesome presentation. Sometimes, however, you need to employ CSS tricks solely to enhance functionality. This could be one of those cases.When browsing through the Firefox...

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    Unlock Your Mac with Apple Watch

    I convinced myself six months ago that I needed to give the Apple Watch a try. While I wear it every day and enjoy a few features, I've felt a bit let down by the experience. I do, however, believe that the Apple Watch...

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    Free SSL Certificates with ZeroSSL

    During my early years in web development, one of the most costly and annoying tasks was securing and installing security certificates on client websites. Most providers charged hundreds of dollars for SSL certs and getting them configured properly was a huge source of stress. Securing...

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    How to Fix ESLint Errors Upon Save in VS Code

    Two of the most prominent utilities in web development today are ESLint and Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. I enjoy using both, and I love the integration between both tools, but warnings from ESLint inside Visual Studio Code aren't fulfilling -- I'd rather lint errors be...

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    How to Display Mode-Specific Images

    Now that we have most of the basics of HTML and CSS in the browser, we've begun implementing new features that I would consider "quality of life" improvements, many of which have been inspired by mobile. One great example is the CSS prefers-color-scheme media...

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    Track Your Keyword Placement with Ranktrackify

    I don't need to tell you how important search engine placement is. You either earn it with quality content, loads of SEO work, paying for placement, or all of the above. And even we you achieve best placement, you need to be wary of...

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    How to Play Retro Game ROMs on Windows

    Video games are always a fun time, something we desperately need during our COVID lockdown. A few years back I shared how to play retro games on Mac, as well as how to patch games to play popular ROM hacks like Grand Poo World...

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    How to Add Native Keyword Aliases to Babel

    Those of you who follow this blog know that not every blog post is an endorsement of a technique but simply a tutorial how to accomplish something. Sometimes the technique described is probably not something you should do. This is one of those blog...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    JavaScript Picture-in-Picture API

    As a huge fan of media on the web, I'm always excited about enhancements to how we can control our media. Maybe I get excited about simple things like the <video> tag and its associated elements and attributes because media on the web started with custom...

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    How to Create a CSS-Tricks Custom Scrollbar

    Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks is an amazing engineer and blogger. He's not only creative but has always had the drive to put his thoughts to work, no matter how large. He also has a good eye for the little things that can make CSS-Tricks or...