Tutorials Page 19

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    Lazy Load IFRAMEs

    We've known for a decade that lazy loading resources like JavaScript, CSS, and especially images is a massive performance win for web pages. At first we used tricks and JavaScript to do the lazy loading, but more recently native image lazy loading has debuted...

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    Easy Stock Market Quotes with marketstack

    The stock market is wild right now, at least in the United States. Between pandemic, political events, and everything else going on, the stock market is one swing after another. There are a host of services that give you stock quotes but I don't trust them;...

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    Automatically Rebase GitHub Pull Requests

    Working on an open source project with a thriving contribution community is one of the great joys I have at Mozilla. In leading this charge, I get to meet amazing people of all different skill sets and interests, as well as different points of...

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    Get Worldwide Postal Code Data with Zip Code API

    Accurate shipping and location information is well worth the price you need to pay for it. You can sell that information, you can target consumers to perfection, and save yourself loads of frustration when it comes to shipping. Creating your own location API isn't worth the...

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    JavaScript in SVGs

    SVGs are such an amazing tool for creating custom fonts, animations, size-reduced graphics, and more. They're part HTML, part image, and all awesome. Many websites have moved toward SVG instead of JPG, GIF, and PNG due to the flexibility that SVG provides.Whats one example...

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    CSS background-repeat: round

    The CSS spec is full of gems that sneak their way past most of us web designers and developers. Stuff like :focus-within, prefers-reduced-motion, and prefers-color-scheme suddenly make their way into CSS without us really finding out for months or years. One such...

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    Kotlin Coroutines and Delay

    Whenever I suspect that there's a timing conflict causing a problem with rendering and directives, I usually opt for a JavaScript setTimeout with a delay. The setTimeout code never makes it to production, but it does help me to understand if my code is the...

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    3 Great Ways to Monetize Content

    Monetizing content on the web usually boils down to one thing: advertisements. The problem with adding advertisements to your website, especially from the popular ad services, is that they can be slow and they certainly don't protect user privacy. That's where alternative monetizing opportunities come into...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    Are You a Developer?

    “You’re not really a developer. Sooner or later people are going to realize you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just not good enough.”You’ve probably had thoughts like these at one point or another. You’ve never heard someone else tell you that you’re not a...

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    Devising the Cloak of Invisibility in JavaScript

    Steganography. The art of hiding something right under your nose. For as long as humans have been alive, we’ve been trying to hide things — whether it’s our last slice of pizza or the location of a buried treasure. Do you remember the cool invisible lemon...