Sponsored Tutorials

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    Useful WordPress Tips, Tools, and Themes for Developers

    The following sets of tips, tools, and themes are designed to make your life as a website developer an easier one. The tips offered will help to keep your workflow running smoothly. The tools can help to keep you out of trouble; or understand what's happening should trouble...

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    Job Hunting Simplified With Hired

    On Hired the traditional process of finding a job is completely reversed; instead of you applying to companies, companies apply to you! From there, the power is 100% in your hands to decide if the opportunity is a good fit and whether or not...

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    Why Uncode’s Adaptive Grid System Is a Game Changer

    Having to work with a WordPress theme that does not allow you complete freedom of layout design is enough to keep you awake at nights. Templates are of some help, in that they may allow you to deliver a fully-functional, clean-looking website, but there’s a better...

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    Cloudinary Improves User Experience through Intelligent Delivery

    Over the past months I've been showing you techniques for optimizing your site media with Cloudinary.  Cloudinary has you covered with APIs in just about every programming language, a host of useful add-ons, the ability to modify images on the fly by modifying URLs, implementation of bleeding...

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    2016’s Best Web Tools & Services

    Yes, Black Friday is here, the waiting is over! We are so happy to announce you the best showcase of web tools and services we’ve ever made. You will find the best WordPress themes, website builders, social media buttons, but also cross-browser testing services, screenshot app...

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    Improve User Performance with Pulse Insights

    When I was learning web development, optimizing our websites to be less than 200kb was the standard my fellow students and I had to achieve. Internet speed wasn’t as fast and large websites created a very poor user experience. To accomplish this, we would go to...

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    Cloudinary Image Uploader

    Over the past months I've detailed how developers can complete a variety of tasks using Cloudinary, an image (and audio and video) hosting, delivery, and transformation provider.  Cloudinary’s client-side integration libraries and SDKs simplify the integration with your development platform of choice: Ruby on Rails, PHP...

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    ​Let Top Tech Companies Apply to You​

    Indeed Prime upends the traditional hiring hierarchy so you can take control of your job search. Stop applying to jobs. Let jobs apply to YOU. You can sign up for Indeed Prime in a few...

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    Best 14 Web Tools Reviewed

    The Internet is huge - that's ultimately a truism. But how can you choose from the great pool of information? If you are looking for resources in developing, let us help you. We have a comprehensive list with the latest sites that can let you deal...

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    Upcoming O’Reilly Conferences with 20% Discount!

    O'Reilly has a few amazing conferences popping up in the short term that I'm excited to share.  I also have an awesome discount code, PC20DWALSH, to save you 20% on conference fee! Velocity (DevOps & Web Perf) Conference September 19-22 - New York, NY Since 2008, Velocity...