Shell Tutorials

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    Get WiFi Password from Command Line

    I met Guillermo Rauch several years ago in the #mootools-dev room on IRC.  He jumped into the MooTools project and made great things happen; he also coded MooTools' plugins forge.  Since then he's gone on to create amazing things, most recently releasing HyperTerm, an excellent terminal app...

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    Create WebPage Screenshots with Node.js and SlimerJS

    Last week I featured PhantomJS, a headless WebKit tool, which allows for taking screenshots, automating events on the page, and so on.  PhantomJS is an excellent tool that does so much but being locked into the WebKit engine doesn't help if you want to test other rendering engines like...

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    Create and Compare Webpage Screenshots with Wraith

    Last week I wrote about using PhantomJS to create screenshots of webpages.  I still find it amazing that we can so quickly and easily create screenshots of a web page using a bit of server side JavaScript.  A reader brought to my attention a tool that takes...

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    Get Ethereum Value from Command Line

    Last year I got big into Bitcoin; today I own a few dozen bitcoin and am loving my return.  Recently I've been hearing big things about Ethereum, another cryptocurrency.  Ethereum is in its infancy and has hit some troublesome times recently due to a hack but...

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    Set Chrome as Default Browser from Command Line

    Whenever I see a desktop GUI to accomplish a given web-related task, I'm dying to know the underlying operating system interaction to accomplish the same feat.  Many of the GUIs I use are just a front for a command line utility for that more experienced developers would use. I set...

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    Create WebPage Screenshots with Node.js and PhantomJS

    Automation on the web has gotten incredibly accessible and advanced, much in part to utilities like PhantomJS.  PhatomJS allows you to do headless WebKit render testing, network monitoring, page automation, and much more.  One of the simple tasks I like using PhatomJS for is screenshot...

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    Reset OS X Dock Icons to Defaults

    There's something amazing about receiving a new MacBook Pro for me.  The new machine, unaffected by sins of installs past, gives me a fresh start to mess it up all over again.  Of course with a laptop from your employer you probably can't just wipe things...

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    Download YouTube Videos with youtube-dl

    When preparing for the 8 hour flights to and from London, I knew I couldn't just code the whole time -- I needed some decent entertainment.  One source of free, excellent entertainment is YouTube, but I had no desire to pay for internet on the flight.

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    Mercurial:  Global .hgignore

    I've worked with git for several years and one of my favorite git posts is Create a Global .gitignore which details how you can create a global .gitignore file to ignore certain useless files (think .DS_Store, node_modules, etc.) so that you aren't always adding the same files to every repository's...

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    Git Hook – npm install if package.json is Modified

    Most of the projects I work on these days contain a frequently-modified package.json file to manage dependencies.  You would think by know I'd be used seeing the package.json file when I did a git pull and it would trigger something in my head to execute npm install to ensure I...