Shell Tutorials

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    Mercurial:  Global .hgignore

    I've worked with git for several years and one of my favorite git posts is Create a Global .gitignore which details how you can create a global .gitignore file to ignore certain useless files (think .DS_Store, node_modules, etc.) so that you aren't always adding the same files to every repository's...

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    Git Hook – npm install if package.json is Modified

    Most of the projects I work on these days contain a frequently-modified package.json file to manage dependencies.  You would think by know I'd be used seeing the package.json file when I did a git pull and it would trigger something in my head to execute npm install to ensure I...

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    Export and Import Patches with git

    Most of us that use git probably only have use GitHub -- thus is the popularity of their service.  If you (or a parent project) don't use a service like GitHub, however, you'll need to export patches for review.  Let's have a look at how to export a patch...

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    Respond to Prompt in Bash Script

    I work on a project that requires I frequently build and destroy a virtual machine.  I don't enjoy having to do so but virtual machines can be notoriously difficult to prop up, especially when you have a complex app living within it. Manually typing the same commands over...

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    Remove Spaces from File Names

    Spaces in file names are a nightmare with the web; you deal with %20 and other nonsense when spaces are in file names.  That's why when I receive images with spaces I cringe;  I mean hell, dealing with spaces of file systems sucks too. Anyways, I use the...

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    Get Weather from Command Line

    There's an awesome script making the rounds on Twitter and I've been as excited as everyone else so I thought I'd show it.  Many of us live eight hours a day within the command line (although I'm not a vim hippie like some of you) so I try...

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    Docker: Remove All Images and Containers

    I've moved to a new project at Mozilla which uses a much different stack than I'm used to; suddenly I'm thrust into a world of Mercurial, Docker, and a few other technologies I'm not accustomed to.  You know what that leads to:  foul language, frustration, booze, and...lots of starting over.

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    Docco: Quick JavaScript Documentation

    Docco is a free Node.js-powered JavaScript documentation generation tool.  I was never big into documenting JavaScript methods within the source files themselves, but my team made the decision to go that route for a new project and I've come full swing.  Pair the in-source documentation with the...

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    Faster npm

    npm is the premier package repository on the web and we all use it a ton, obviously.  npm has started using basic progress bar graphics to notify users of download progress, which is nice, but appears to slow down the entire process.  This tweet blew my mind: It sounds...

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    POST Form Data with cURL

    cURL is the magical utility that allows developers to download a URL's contentexplore response headers, get stock quotes, confirm our GZip encoding is working, and much more.  One more great usage of cUrl for command line is POSTing form data to a server...