Shell Tutorials

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    Slice Videos with ffmpeg

    Isolating a specified portion of a video is a very common task for those who work within the media, probably using nice GUI tools to slice clips from the full video.  I'm a developer, however, and know how amazing ffmpeg is so I prefer to do my basic video slicing from command...

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    ES6 JavaScript Minifier: babili

    The Babel toolchain is amazing.  We've used Babel to write ES6 JavaScript well before ES6 features hit browsers, we use it to parse JavaScript and write JSX, and much more.  Babel can do just about anything with the JavaScript language and I've just learned of...

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    Convert webm to mp4

    There's an upcoming Mozilla trip to Hawaii on the cards and, in trying to be a good family man, I'm bringing my wife and two young sons.  Glutton for punishment?  Probably.  Anyways, I've been feverishly downloading cartoons from YouTube using youtube-dl to put onto our new iPad to keep...

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    Convert Websites to Apps

    Converting a website to a native app, whether on mobile or desktop, can be quite useful.  The problem with bookmarks, especially for software engineers, is that we often need to work in different browsers, so having everything in one browser's bookmark set can be a pain.  I'd also argue that websites with...

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    httpstat: Simple cURL Stats

    There are a lot of tools out there that do great, advanced things but present them as well as they could be presented.  I wont knock cURL for anything -- it's an amazing tool many of us can't live without;  what I will say, however, is that...

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    slow-deps to Measure NPM Install Time

    The ability to quickly add dependencies to an npm project is a gift a curse -- the curse being you oftentimes have no control over those dependencies being available (i.e. the left-pad situation) and the have the potential to bloat your application or even increase project download time.  The truth is...

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    Prevent Bad Commits with husky

    I've been contributing to the amazing A-Frame project, a library with allows you to create VR experiences using web technologies, and it's been a blast.  The JavaScript code is very concise and uniform, making contribution a joy while keeping the code standards strict.  Why is it so concise?  The A-Frame project...

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    List Files in Human Readable Format

    I maintain an older computer with a small hard drive.  I use it mostly for storing MP3s, videos, and other types of basic media.  Unfortunately I often get warnings that disk space is low and so I need to delete files I no longer need; i.e. music or movies...

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    Runs Previous Command with Replace

    For some reason most of my typos happen within iTerm, which is kind of funny when you consider most commands are super short.  gut push doesn't do what I want, nor does hg ammend or any other command spelled wrong.  Then you have to either retype the whole...

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    Broken Link Checker

    Broken Link Checker by Steven Vachon is an outstanding Node.js-powered utility for recursively checking for broken links on a website.  Broken links lead to bad user experiences and mistrust -- two things that can cost you money and other types of conversion.  The broken link checker...