Reset OS X Dock Icons to Defaults

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There's something amazing about receiving a new MacBook Pro for me.  The new machine, unaffected by sins of installs past, gives me a fresh start to mess it up all over again.  Of course with a laptop from your employer you probably can't just wipe things clean -- you'd probably lose important software relevant to the organization, or it would take you forever to get it back in a state where you have all of the dependencies.

There are a few things you can do to make the Mac seem like new though.  One of those is reseting the Dock to its default icons via command line:

defaults delete; killall Dock

Away goes the mess of icons you've added of the years -- you can simply wipe the Dock clean and start over again.  Of course the first thing I do is add Dock Separators, but to each their own...

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