rand() Tutorials

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    The XAMPP, Apache, and Skype Issue

    As your probably already know, you can run an Apache server right off of a USB drive using XAMPP. It's a great ability to have because you can take a website anywhere with you. I can work on the same site off of...

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    Are You Having A Laugh?

    I'll be honest -- it's been a long, tough week at work. After trying to follow through on some of my 8 Ways for a Programmer to Stay Sane, I need a bit more. As David Brent would say, I need to have...

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    Being 25 Today

    Ugh. I remember graduating high school like it was two weeks ago. Today, I turn 25 years of age. A quarter of a century. Wow. In any event, I'll be swimming and acting like a fool today. See you next week!

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    Being American Today

    Today is July 4th which means Independence Day for us living in the States. As a proud American, I'll be doing the following today: Grilling out burgers, brats, and steak Drinking hard lemonade and Sam Adams Relaxing with my girlfriend and friends Swimming in my grandfather's pool Spending time with...

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    Amazon.Com WHOIS = WTF?

    I was doing some research on domains and WHOIS information today when I stumbled upon a peculiar results for Amazon.Com. Take a look at the server name in the image below. This is clearly not the name of Amazon's server, but I have no idea how...

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    Share Your Blog!

    I stand by my statements in the past where I clearly state that I learn more from you all that you learn from me. Fact. Period. I only have this one blog but most of you have your own. Whenever a user...

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    CSS Variables Using PHP

    CSS is an amazing formatting tool but it has one glaring omission: variables. In My CSS Wishlist, I proposed a PHP-like syntax for CSS variables. Using PHP, I've made the idea of easy, dynamic CSS a reality. The Sample CSS The above is a sample css file that...

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    Back From Silicone Valley!

    My girl and I just returned from always festive Las Vegas. It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun. My bronchitis got slightly better, believe it or not, and the weather was very comfortable. Here are a few thoughts...

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    Viva-ing Las Vegas

    If you live anywhere near Madison, Wisconsin, you know it's been one of the worst winters ever. Record snowfall, freezing rain, and 100+ car accidents are just a few of the highlights. For that reason, I'll be off to Sin City tomorrow in search...

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    Judging the Candidates Based Upon What Else?  Their Website!

    As those of us in the States know, political fever is upon us. Digg is littered with political articles and the networks are doing everything they can to promote anything related to the upcoming election. I don't base my judgments on how the shortcomings...