Being American Today

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Today is July 4th which means Independence Day for us living in the States. As a proud American, I'll be doing the following today:

  • Grilling out burgers, brats, and steak
  • Drinking hard lemonade and Sam Adams
  • Relaxing with my girlfriend and friends
  • Swimming in my grandfather's pool
  • Spending time with family
  • Napping

Thank you to veterans and current members of our military for allowing me to freely do all of the above.

To those outside of the States, I promise I have some mind-blowing MooTools classes and effects coming your way! Next week will be an exciting one!

Happy Independence Day!

Anyone else have fun plans? Share them!

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  1. Enjoy today and your weekend!

    I’ll be @ a Brazilian party …which is nice.

    Thanks for the ever-interesting articles!

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