Back From Silicone Valley!

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My girl and I just returned from always festive Las Vegas. It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun. My bronchitis got slightly better, believe it or not, and the weather was very comfortable. Here are a few thoughts and highlights of our trip:

  • If you ever get the chance to see Cirque du Soleil, you must do it. It's an unbelievable experience. Every part of the show was amazing, from the choreography to the athleticism of the actors.
  • The Cirque du Soleil show we saw was titled Love and was based on Beatles songs. I enjoy the Beatles and that made the experience that much better.
  • There's just something great about grabbing an alcoholic beverage and walking down the strip, into stores and casinos and thinking nothing of it. So free!
  • As cool as many of the casinos look from the outside, they're pretty much all the same on the inside. Slots, tables, and degenerates gambling away what they can't afford.
  • When it comes to females enhancing their appearance, I'm all for it. I think that if it helps them improve their self-confidence they should do it. Less is more though ladies, less is more.
  • New York, New York is by far my favorite casino/hotel. Better atmosphere and features than many of the other

Well, with Vegas behind us, it's time for new articles. You'll get one tomorrow!

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  1. I actually had the opportunity to visit Las Vegas for the first time in January, at the exact same time the Monte Carlo decided to catch on fire. It was probably some disgruntled gambler.

    The alcohol thing is great, at first it feels like you are doing something wrong and then before you know it you are double fisting, lol. One annoyance I found was the people in the street giving me flyer’s for hookers. At first it’s kinda funny, but then after a while I am like leave me alone.

  2. How could I forget the “porno cards” handed out on the street?

    When I went on the bachelor party out there, one guy I went with tried to collect them all. I wonder how much the complete set is worth…

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