Share Your Blog!
I stand by my statements in the past where I clearly state that I learn more from you all that you learn from me. Fact. Period. I only have this one blog but most of you have your own. Whenever a user posts a comment on my site and leaves a URL, I click through to their blog. Every single person. Since you spend the time to comment on my blog, I take the time to check out what you have written.
With that in mind, today I'm opening my comments below to you. Here's what I want you to do. Provide the name, URL, and a brief overview of your blog within a comment. My goal is:
- You drive more traffic to your website
- You befriend fellow readers
- You check out the sites of others and learn about their perspective.
Everyone, please, join in! I look forward to checking out your blog!
Obviously, I'm looking for non-NSFW material. Don't post your freaky S&M pics...
I learn a lot from you!
forgot to mention – my blog is basically about songs that I like. from time to time I write about other random things as well.
Hi, I love your blog david. I learned alot from your php posts :)
I am a new blogger, only started few days ago! My blog will be mainly about Joomla!
Sweet idea… this is kind of like an “open” blog roll of sorts. Anyway, you already know my blog, but for the benefit of everyone else – I cover a variety of web technologies, but have a heavy emphasis on JavaScript and jQuery in particular.
@Ahmad – nice DOCman module!
Hey everyone, I’ve been messing around with blog designs for a while (not actually posting anything really), and now I have a “placeholder” design that I will use until I can make a better one. Anyway, my blog is (or is going to be ;) ) a tutorial blog – you know, it teaches people how to do things like use Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, X/HTML, CSS, Javascript/Ajax, etc. So far I only have…one…post…but I’m hopefully going to be posting a lot more soon!
My site’s just sort of mishmash of miscellanea. Probably post about chemistry (recently, at least) the most, given that’s what I spend most of my time doing.
I’ve coded the site myself, but I’ve never really made posts about web development persay.
My blog,, is about optimizing your website (preferably a WordPress blog) for search engines, speed, utility, etc. I offer loads of tools and articles to help in all sorts of ways :) isn’t really about anything. It’s just a place where I dump thoughts intended for public consumption. Mostly web development stuff, with occasional posts about shoveling snow or being annoyed with retailers.
In fact, the second-last post I put in there (May 14) was a response to one I read here, proof that I actually read this + I’m not just a blogspammer
Hey everyone,
I have a technology blog mainly focusing on opensource stuff like, Linux, PHP, FreeBSD and computer security. Sometimes I dabble in some CSS and Design, but mostly check David’s site for that kind of stuff. I have been studying SEO for eight years so I like to post about that sometimes as well.
Some recent articles that I thought might be interesting to Davids audience include:
Validating Usernames with PHP
Validating an IP Address with PHP
Creating a Secure Md5 Hash for Storing Passwords in a Database
My blog is and it’s generally where I post about various web development / design related items and thoughts / tips that I have. It’s a bit like yours but not as good and without the following of….pretty much anyone. Check it out if you want!
– Tim
My blog is The Pirate Shack! Its about pirates, the real and the fictional. Arrrrrr.
Hi David,
My blog is a link blog, here’s my tag-line:
Daily’ish Web Development & Entrepreneurial Resources
I’ve only been reading your blog for a short time, but I’ve really enjoyed it and subscribed in Google Reader after the first article!
Note: My blog may contain a computer programmer ideas that are controversial and slightly useful. —
Great idea, David
I have multiple websites/blogs – the ones about web development are…
Bin-Blog – Web Development stuff – with a special emphasis on LAMP.
OpenJS – Javascript scripts, tutorials, articles, etc.
By the way, this post is a nice idea – I am thinking of making a similar post in my site.
Hi everyone! : )
My blog is relatively new, but will be mainly focused on web development: tutorials, resources, theory, links to related blog posts elsewhere, etc.
Drop by and say hi sometime! :)
Keep them coming!
I found this site very useful in finding out what and how I could use CSS. I coded my site myself, which is very simple, but I read this site to get ideas on how I could improve it. I blog at, which is a basic blogger template now, but with this site I am hoping to for vast improvements. I love reading this stuff.
Hi David,
I recently began reading your blog and must say, love the easy-written articles. I follow various blogs using my netvibes account and maybe some of you might check it out and find something of use in the links it provides. Haven’t come to my own blog yet since I am constantly overloaded in work (as most of you probably).
My current job is about analyzing and optimizing large corporate databases, mostly of electricity, water and gas companies. Still my first love remains the web… so I hope that in the 2008 future I can attribute something to the community too…
Keep it coming!
@deef: Flattered to see that I’m part of your universe! Thank you for reading.
My “blog” is about mainly web-design/development and I started it just recently. I check your blog every day for new posts. is a food blog which provides gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan recipes that are healthy AND taste good – using only wholesome ingredients.
hey, whats new!, i made the blog for the musicians Malacates Trebol Shop…. you can giveme tricks to make it better!!
Hello, here is my blog it contains artciles about web design/development – in a similar vein to this site but with more of an editorial feel.
My blog at, is oriented towards people looking to create their first website. It focuses on what is often ignored and on strategies to ensure success.
I love the JS/PHP tips on this blog!
My german Blog is all about web & design. I collect and provide tutorials, resources and other useful stuff that could be interesting for others.
(I say drop the rel=”nofollow” from the posts!)
My blog is pretty much randomness, work code issues I’ve come across, link dumps, personal project storage, mootools/jquery snippets I’ve come across, personal resources, social media and technology, and random stuff about the company I work for.
My blog is mostly about technology but there are some other things which work their way into my thoughts and then worm out into posts.
I write about things I encounter in my final year in University :)
My blog is about web design. SEO, PHP, HTML, CSS etc. I like PHP and this blog posts. Thank you.
@David I originally found you thru a post a Chris (css-tricks) did, can’t remember the who/what/and whens but I clicked on your link in a comment. So to your point “Whenever a user posts a comment on my site and leaves a URL, I click through to their blog,” I would add that other people find great reading material via the commenting system.
I never leave a comment on your posts, mainly because I can never pull my thoughts together to leave a good comment, but I figured this might as well be my first.
My site is main about WordPress and jQuery development with a few odds and end thrown in.
Are you on Twitter? I could not find you.
@Benjamin: Thanks for posting! I’m not on Twitter — I hear people get too obsessed with it! I may sign up at some point though.
lol, yes, there is some truth in that.
My blog is at It’s basically about just a bunch of things that I find on the internet and enjoy, but with some extra me type personality thrown in, it’s hard to put into words…
Anyway, I stumbled to your blog awhile ago, and looked through the posts and decided that it was a good addition to my rss, (google reader)
I don’t do much javascript coding, mostly I’m php, but I’m getting more into js now, and I find your posts help somewhat depending on what i’m trying to work on.
i guess thats it for now.
I have 3 blogs however two that I majorily focus on. – which is about Australian football, teaching how to play and latest news etc – lists Australian top 10 music, dvds, movies and Gospel books and music and allows you to view, review and buy them.
I am very new to php but enjoy your posts as it inspires me to increase my knowledge
I write about all things web-development focusing on PHP and database design.
Believe it or not I use my blog as a sort of note-taking platform. When I go out to learn something new I usually jot stuff down and leave links, or citations. This eventually gets transformed into an article where I try to teach others what I just learned.. so far it’s worked out pretty well.
Maybe a little off topic here (I was referred by a friend)…
I write a music blog that highlights the progressive, experimental, and indie rock genres. Besides working in S/W, music is basically my life, so I take my blog very seriously.
Check it out, and leave comments/suggestions about what you’d like to hear, album reviews, etc.
My one is similar to David’s but more language experimentation with Ruby (lately wxRuby for the desktop) and Lisp (Pico Lisp for web development), some Flash in there too, otherwise it’s mostly PHP, jQuery, ZF and stuff related to CMS systems written in PHP (MODx is my current favorite).
my site to share renewable energy ideas projects, video,venders ect, mostly DIY wind water and solar
Hey David, i am a big fan of your blog!
Just wondering if you a know a good website that i could use some rewriting and spinner for SEO… I will need one which uses some api though!
Any idea?
This is nice idea to encourage new bloggers.
I run a small website about Gadget Reviews,
It’s just on animals and helping them. Not too many people seem interested but I think it’s a very important part of our lives and I want to conserve it.
It’s a blog about personal development. Currently the Sleep and Subjective Reality series are going on, but planning to add a lot more.
Damn, forgot the link, lol.