MooTools Tutorials
External Site Link Favorite Icons Using MooTools and CSS
I recently came upon an interesting jQuery article about how you can retrieve all external links within a page, build the address of the site's favorite icon, and place the favorite icon along side the link. I've chosen a different approach which...
MooTools Zebra Table Plugin
I released my first MooTools class over a year ago. It was a really minimalistic approach to zebra tables and a great first class to write. I took some time to update and improve the class. The XHTML You may have as many tables as...
David Walsh: The Lost MooTools Plugins
I'm the type of guy that really pushes myself to get the job done. That said, not every plugin keeps my interest for reasons ranging from lack of interest to low return on investment. For those reasons, a few of my attempts at MooTools...
MooTools FileManager
Explaining file management on the web to my customers is always a difficult part of my job. I have to explain that there's no "undo," that filenames are case-sensitive, and that the web doesn't accommodate drag and drop like their OS allows them to do. ...
MooTools Window Object Dumping
Ever want to see all of the information stored within the window property of your browser? Here's your chance. The XHTML We need a wrapper DIV that we'll consider a console. The CSS I like making this look like a command-line console. The MooTools JavaScript Depending on what you have loaded...
MooTools’ AutoCompleter Plugin
One of the famous MooTools plugins is Harald Kirschner's AutoCompleter plugin. AutoCompleter takes a term input by the user and searches for matches -- an obviously help to the user. Here's how to make the most of Harald's great plugin. The XHTML All we...
MooTools FontChecker Plugin
There's a very interesting piece of code on Google Code called FontAvailable which does a jQuery-based JavaScript check on a string to check whether or not your system has a specific font based upon its output width. I've ported this functionality to MooTools. The MooTools...
Create a GitHub Merge Batch File
Before I start updating my local clone of the MooTools More or Core libraries, I need to update to the most current version on GitHub. Call me lazy, but I'm tired of typing the commands lines into msysgit all the time. I've created a...
MooTools Text Flipping
There are lots and lots of useless but fun JavaScript techniques out there. This is another one of them. One popular April Fools joke I quickly got tired of was websites transforming their text upside down. I found a jQuery Plugin by Paul...
Facebook-Style Modal Box Using MooTools
In my oh-so-humble opinion, Facebook's Modal box is the best modal box around. It's lightweight, subtle, and very stylish. I've taken Facebook's imagery and CSS and combined it with MooTools' awesome functionality to duplicate the effect. The Imagery Facebook uses a funky sprite for their modal...