MooTools Text Flipping

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There are lots and lots of useless but fun JavaScript techniques out there. This is another one of them.

One popular April Fools joke I quickly got tired of was websites transforming their text upside down. I found a jQuery Plugin by Paul Irish that accomplished this task so I decided to provide it in a MooTools format.

The MooTools JavaScript

/* when the dom's ready */
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	/* implement flipText for Strings */
		flipText: function() {
			/* define the characters */
			var charset = {a:"\u0250",b:"q",c:"\u0254",d:"p",e:"\u01DD",f:"\u025F",g:"\u0183",h:"\u0265",i:"\u0131",j:"\u027E",k:"\u029E",l:"l",m:"\u026F",n:"u",o:"o",p:"d",q:"b",r:"\u0279",s:"s",t:"\u0287",u:"n",v:"\u028C",w:"\u028D",y:"\u028E",z:"z",1:"\u21C2",2:"\u1105",3:"\u1110",4:"\u3123",5:"\u078E"   /* or u03DB */ ,6:"9",7:"\u3125",8:"8",9:"6",0:"0",".":"\u02D9",",":"'","'":",",'"':",,","´":",","`":",",";":"\u061B","!":"\u00A1","\u00A1":"!","?":"\u00BF","\u00BF":"?","[":"]","]":"[","(":")",")":"(","{":"}","}":"{","<":">",">":"<",_:"\u203E","\r":"\n"},
				result = '', 
				text = this.toLowerCase(), 
				len = text.length - 1;

			for(var x = len; x >= 0; --x) {
				var r = charset[c];
				result += r != undefined ? r : text.charAt(x);
			return result;
	/* implement flipText for Elements */
		flipText: function(recurse) {
			/* get all of the children for this */
			var elements = [this, this.getChildren()].flatten();
			/* make it happen! */
			elements.each(function(el) {
				var children = el.getChildren();
				if(!children.length) {
					/* set the text of the element to this */
				} else if(recurse) {
	/* usage */
	$('button').addEvent('click',function() {

I provided functionality to accomplish this goal for both Strings and Elements. You'll also notice a recurse parameter that allows you to set whether or not you'd like to get child elements recursively.

Have fun...but not too much fun!

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  1. Wes

    Cool deal…I wish this was out before April fools day.

    I did notice in the demo that p’s and b’s don’t flip. Check out the flipped header of Flip me baby!.

  2. @Wes: What browser/OS?

  3. Great but clicking it again does not become old?

  4. @taylan: Once you flip, you never go back.

  5. charlie

    Curious but, I think, useless, at least for me, hehe. What about turning text vertically? That could be more interesting.

  6. Interesting. Strange. And well coded.

  7. hmm, how about make a back into it? would be easy or? 2. charset thats revert the 1. and for exapmple if fliped adding class: “flipped” end check if the class is on the element? =)

  8. @alelo: Yep, I think turning it back and forth would be easy. I’d probably keep a “state” variable which would hold the state of the flip and then revert to the other state when clicked.

  9. rakesh juyal

    ‘Wes’ is right. p and b are not flipped. BTW m using FF3

  10. Weird — this is working correctly in every browser I try…

  11. ɟlıp ɯǝ, bɐbʎ! :)

  12. Nice! But what it’s for besides fun?

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