David Walsh: The Lost MooTools Plugins

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I'm the type of guy that really pushes myself to get the job done. That said, not every plugin keeps my interest for reasons ranging from lack of interest to low return on investment. For those reasons, a few of my attempts at MooTools plugins have been left behind. Here are a few of them. (None of them work completely.)

Facebook Photo Tagging

One great functionality of Facebook's photos app is the ability to tag persons in photos. This was my rookie attempt. I wasn't well-versed in MooTools at the time and I believe I quit because I wasn't understanding with "bind" functionality.

ASM Select

This functionality was an attempt at porting a jQuery plugin to MooTools. I didn't have the skill needed to complete the functionality back then.


MooSpoiler was an effort by me to create a system that would allow web developers to hide specific elements until they were clicked on. For example, I DVR'ed a soccer game to watch later but then before I could watch the game, I saw the score on ESPN.com. Dammit! Due to image size and DOMReady issues, I moved on to other things.

Eddie MOOney

Inspired by the Rick-Roll, this was my heinous attempt to make your Fridays worse by launching a YouTube video any time you typed "dollar" in an article's comment box. In the end I decided to skip it.

Anything worth continuing? Let me know!

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  1. Cute :D

  2. JTJ

    I really like the facebook photo tagging plugin… I think it is definitely worth continuing development on.

  3. tim

    the facebook phototagging plugin is pretty nice, maybe (just a random idea) in combination with some ajax/json magic and mysql with a table like below, it’s worth to continue developing.

    table ‘phototags’
    photoid [id of a photo]
    facename [varchar of the tooltip in the box]
    x (int) [x coordinate for a facename box]
    y (int) [y coordinate for a facename box]

  4. The big one I have been looking at completing is the Facebook photo tagging class. It seems like fun and now I have the level of skill needed to complete it!

  5. Facebook phototag = golden. You could probably incorporate a resize box, the type used in image croppers, to outline a face. Saving the data and redisplaying it would be an interesting exercise.

    This is cool stuff all around though

  6. EmEhRKay is right, I actually use my image cropping plugin to create photo tags on the project I’ve been working on (still the same for over a year and a half, but hey we went alpha!). But your script is nice, it’s just that not being able to resize the square can be problematic (let’s say a closeup where only two or three faces fill the whole picture, that little square will only be visible if you hover someone’s eye). The cool part would be indeed to have a second script to generate the existing tags. But agreed that’s not the hardest part once you have done everything else. Ideal would be to generate the links to the users on the server side, with the coordinates included in an attribute (rel, title or else) and then have the script reposition those anchors over the photo, and add hover events. This way links to those users will still be accessible by search engines. Sure, just generating new anchors from a json string would be even easier

  7. Floris

    I’m currently also looking for a facebook-like phototagging plugin for MooTools. I was wondering if you’ve continued/finished this project, David?

  8. yes, +1 on the facebook-like tagging plugin!

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!