Browsers Tutorials

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    Application Pinning with META Tags

    If there's one thing I want you to learn from the wide range of blog posts I've written, it's that it's the small things matter when you're creating your websites. Whether it's a one-page showcase, a business website, or an enterprise web application, there are...

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    Control Your Web Application’s Icon is an nice Mac application for creating desktop applications that wrap a web application. All you need to do is give a URL and a name, and the application generates a .app file within the Applications directory. One other piece of information...

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    Create Spinning Rays with CSS3: Revisited

    Last December I wrote a blog post titled Create Spinning Rays with CSS3 Animations & JavaScript where I explained how easy it was to create a spinning rays animation with a bit of CSS and JavaScript. The post became quite popular so I...

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    Detect Scrollbar Width with JavaScript

    I've recently been working on an advanced JavaScript-based grid solution and let me tell you: it's quite an undertaking. Making sure the grid is accessible, reactive, efficient, and cross-browser compatible is difficult, but even the minor workings of each of those are hard.

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    Fix WebKit Checkbox Overflow

    I want to share a quick tip about working with checkboxes in Chrome and Safari, the WebKit-based browsers. I was recently working with a series of checkboxes when I noticed that Safari and Chrome were doing some funky "cut off" with them: What's even weirder is...

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    Fix Button Borders in WebKit Mobile

    One of the focuses of the blog redesign I've been working on is mobile support. This current blog design is passable at best when it comes to mobile display, and with mobile sales booming, I need to make sure my site is optimized for these...

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    File Uploads and C:\fakepath\

    I was recently working on a project that required providing an AJAX uploading widget to users. I decided to use Dojo's dojox.form.FileInput widget so the "Upload" button would look just like every other button within the web application. Everything worked great until I tested...

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    Change Mobile Safari Highlight Color with CSS

    I love the amount of extra customization afforded to us by WebKit. That also makes me love the fact that, for the most part, WebKit Mobile is the choice renderer used by mobile devices. One rarely used style property is -webkit-tap-highlight-color, which allows developers...

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    Remove Input Shadows on iPad

    I was recently tasked with testing an existing web application on the iPad.  I was fairly certain the app would work without issues, but my larger concern was styling.  One undesirable style I found was that all text INPUT elements had a hideous top shadow effect.

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    Introducing LazyLoad 2.0

    While improvements in browsers means more cool APIs for us to play with, it also means we need to maintain existing code.  With Firefox 4's release came news that my MooTools LazyLoad plugin was not intercepting image loading -- the images were loading regardless of...