
ScrollSpy is a MooTools plugin that listens to the page's scroll position and fires events based upon where the user is on the page.

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Plugin Code (Version 1.0)

/* scroll spy plugin / class */
var ScrollSpy = new Class({
	/* implements */
	Implements: [Options,Events],

	/* options */
	options: {
		min: 0,
		mode: 'vertical',
		max: 0,
		container: window,
		onEnter: $empty,
		onLeave: $empty,
		onTick: $empty
	/* initialization */
	initialize: function(options) {
		/* set options */
		this.container = $(this.options.container);
		this.enters = this.leaves = 0;
		this.max = this.options.max;
		/* fix max */
		if(this.max == 0) 
			var ss = this.container.getScrollSize();
			this.max = this.options.mode == 'vertical' ? ss.y : ss.x;
		/* make it happen */
	/* a method that does whatever you want */
	addListener: function() {
		/* state trackers */
		this.inside = false;
		this.container.addEvent('scroll',function() {
			/* if it has reached the level */
			var position = this.container.getScroll();
			var xy = this.options.mode == 'vertical' ? position.y : position.x;
			/* if we reach the minimum and are still below the max... */
			if(xy >= this.options.min && xy <= this.max) {
					/* trigger Enter event if necessary */
					if(!this.inside) {
						/* record as inside */
						this.inside = true;
						/* fire enter event */
					/* trigger the "tick", always */
			else {
				/* trigger leave */
					this.inside = false;

/* usage */
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	/* smooth */
	new SmoothScroll({duration:500});
	/* link management */
	/* scrollspy instance */
	var ss = new ScrollSpy({
		min: 200,
		onEnter: function(position,enters) {
			if(console) { console.log('Entered [' + enters + '] at: ' + position.x + ' / ' + position.y); }
		onLeave: function(position,leaves) {
			if(console) { console.log('Left [' + leaves + '] at: ' + position.x + ' / ' + position.y); }
		onTick: function(position,state,enters,leaves) {
			if(console) { console.log('Tick  [' + enters + ', ' + leaves + '] at: ' + position.x + ' / ' + position.y); }
		container: window

Options & Events

  • min: (defaults to 0) The minimum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode.
  • max: (defaults to 0) The maximum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode.
  • mode: (defaults to 'vertical') Defines whether to listen to X or Y scrolling.
  • container: (defaults to window) The element whose scrolling to listen to.

Events for ScrollSpy include:

  • Tick: Fires on each scroll event within the min and max parameters. Receives as parameters:
    • position: an object with the current X and Y position.
    • inside: a Boolean value for whether or not the user is within the min and max parameters
    • enters: the number of times the min / max has been entered.
    • leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
  • Enter: Fires every time the user enters the min / max zone.
    • position: an object with the current X and Y position.
    • enters: the number of times the min / max has been entered.
  • Leave: Fires every time the user leaves the min / max zone.
    • position: an object with the current X and Y position.
    • leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.

Code Revisions & Bug Fixes
