AJAX Tutorials

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    Create a Dynamic Flickr Image Search with the Dojo Toolkit

    The Dojo Toolkit is a treasure chest of great JavaScript classes.  You can find basic JavaScript functionality classes for AJAX, node manipulation, animations, and the like within Dojo.  You can find elegant, functional UI widgets like DropDown Menus, tabbed interfaces, and form element replacements within...

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    Implement the Google AJAX Search API

    Let's be honest...WordPress' search functionality isn't great. Let's be more honest...no search functionality is better than Google's. Luckily for us, Google provides an awesome method by which we can use their search for our own site: the Google AJAX Search API.

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    AJAX Annoyances to Avoid

    The AJAX revolution has completely reinvigorated the web. Browsers are working hard to increase the speed of their JavaScript and rendering engines. Web Developers are working as quickly as possible to push the limits of the browsers even further. Users are feeling more...

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    Animated AJAX Record Deletion Using Dojo

    I'm a huge fan of WordPress' method of individual article deletion. You click the delete link, the menu item animates red, and the item disappears. Here's how to achieve that functionality with Dojo JavaScript. The PHP - Content & Header The following snippet goes at the...

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    Using Dotter for Form Submissions

    One of the plugins I'm most proud of is Dotter. Dotter allows you to create the typical "Loading..." text without using animated images. I'm often asked what a sample usage of Dotter would be; form submission create the perfect situation. The following...

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    Record Text Selections Using MooTools or jQuery AJAX

    One technique I'm seeing more and more these days (CNNSI.com, for example) is AJAX recording of selected text. It makes sense -- if you detect users selecting the terms over and over again, you can probably assume your visitors are searching that term on Google...

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    Form Element AJAX Spinner Attachment Using jQuery

    Yesterday I showed you how to attach an AJAX spinner next to a form element using my beloved MooTools. Today I'll show you how to implement that same functionality using jQuery. The XHTML Elements with the "ajax" CSS class will be our target. The jQuery JavaScript We inject...

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    Form Element AJAX Spinner Attachment Using MooTools

    Many times you'll see a form dynamically change available values based on the value of a form field. For example, a "State" field will change based on which Country a user selects. What annoys me about these forms is that they'll often do an...

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    Remotely Download Google AJAX Libraries Using PHP

    I don't know how to use all of the JavaScript libraries but perusing their code is interesting. If I'm looking to code something I'll look at how each of the other libraries accomplishes the task. The problem is that you need to go...

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    Create an “Add to TextMate” Widget Using MooTools

    If a sword is a soldier's best friend, the best friend of a programmer is a his text editor. TextMate has been my text editor of choice and a big reason for that is the ability to add snippets for quick use later. Since...