Remotely Download Google AJAX Libraries Using PHP

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I don't know how to use all of the JavaScript libraries but perusing their code is interesting. If I'm looking to code something I'll look at how each of the other libraries accomplishes the task. The problem is that you need to go out and download each one. And of course they're all on different development schedules so you'd also need to make sure to grab the latest version of the library. Instead of manually accomplishing that task, I've chosen create a script that does all of that for me.


$dir = 'js-libs/';
$url = '';

//open file
$content = get_content($url);
echo 'Retrieved page from Google.';

$regex = '/http:\/\/\/ajax\/libs\/.*.js/isU';


//make sure there are no repeated files
$js_files = array_unique($matches[0]);

//download every file and save locally
foreach($js_files as $file) {
	$content = get_content($file);
	$filename = str_replace(array('','/'),array('','-'),$file);
	echo 'saving ',$file;

//function to grab content from a url
function get_content($url) {
	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/');
	$content = curl_exec($ch);
	return $content;

Pow! One quick script to get you all of the popular JavaScript libraries in 10 seconds. You may not know how to use each library but it sure doesn't hurt to have them around.

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  1. I should note that I run this from the command line.

  2. Mohamed Jama

    Nice script David! did you redesign your site?! keep up the good work mate :)

  3. Nice reminder to think things through and do the extra mile to save time in the future.

    The url has changed in the last four years: Seems people at google don’t know how to put a permanent redirect into place…



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