Tutorials Page 99
Retrieving requestAnimationFrame with JavaScript
function has been a major boost to developers creating and managing animations with JavaScript. Paul Irish has an excellent introduction onrequestAnimationFrame
-- I highly recommend you read it. This HTML5Hub post is also very good. Most browsers now support the animation function but in...20 Great Tools for Developers
If 7 years ago web developer jobs were almost unheard of, nowadays the situation has changed completely. In a very short period of time the Internet has evolved quickly into a web of millions of sites. You can do everything from your living room as long...
JavaScript Redirects and window.open
One of the sweet parts in the simplified HTML5 spec was allowing
elements to wrapDIV
s and other block level elements. For too long we added JavaScript listeners andwindow.location
redirects when a wrappingA
would have probably sufficed. But there are also times when the wrappingA
wouldn't work...CSS `do-*`
For years we've used CSS classes as not only stylistic functionality but also as signifiers or "triggers" for JavaScript functionality. For example, Mozilla uses a
element (coupled with a JavaScript file that looks for it) to inject the Tabzilla widget. Using#tabzilla
is nice, and even though it's an ID...The Truth About Programming Perception
When I tell people that I'm a web programmer, they think I'm a genius. When I tell them I work for the company that makes Firefox, they think I'm some sort of God. I'd be willing to bet other developers out there get the same treatment. And I don't...
Remove Mobile Firefox Button Gradient
If you have an Android device, you've gotta check out Firefox for Android. It's an outstanding mobile browser -- it has been very well received and you can even install apps from the Firefox Marketplace from within this awesome browser. One usability practice implemented by Firefox for...
JavaScript insertAdjacentHTML and beforeend
In case you didn't know: the damn DOM is slow. As we make our websites more dynamic and AJAX-based, we need to find ways of manipulating the DOM with as little impact on performance as possible. A while back I mentioned DocumentFragments, a clever way...
Detect if a Function is Native Code with JavaScript
Every once a while I'll test is a given function is native code -- it's an important part of feature testing whether a function was provided by the browser or via a third party shim which acts like the native feature. The best way to detect this, of...
Try Treehouse!
Treehouse has been a mainstay of web learning for a few years now and I'm amazed at how they've grown. You'd expect them to teach basic stuff like web design and JavaScript, but they've moved on to broader but important topics like...
The X Theme: Inside Look, Customer Showcase & More
Word has it that X, which was released by Themeco (theme.co) at the end of last year, is a great asset for web designers and developers everywhere - and the last website theme you'll have to buy. As more professionals hurry to get their hands...