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Velocity NY is Coming!
O'Reilly's Velocity Conference is quickly approaching -- it's September 15-17 in beautiful New York. As a follow up to last month's post, I wanted to make sure people knew I had 3 more tickets left to give away to this epic front-end performance conference! In my...
Getting Concurrent With ES6 Generators
If you've read and digested part 1, part 2, and part 3 of this blog post series, you're probably feeling pretty confident with ES6 generators at this point. Hopefully you're inspired to really push the envelope and see what you can do with...
Building Web Apps Faster Using Angus
When it comes to building web apps, there are a couple of tools available that help you develop faster. There's GruntJS, GulpJS, Brunch and others which streamline your workflow by doing a series of build tasks: Test the code Clean the build directory Copy source files...
Velocity New York: Ticket Giveaway
A few months back, O'Reilly gave me two free tickets to give away for Velocity Conference in Santa Clara. The chosen two reported back to me that the conference was incredible, as did a Mozilla colleague that quickly came back and implemented a bunch of...
The Best Summer Stock Image Sources are Here. Check Them Out.
As a website designer or developer, you soon learn to appreciate how important it is to have a ready source to fill your needs for stock photography. For most large projects where images or illustrations are required, the use of stock photographs can be the only...
Append and Prepend to WordPress RSS Feed Content
The awesome part of RSS is that it lets you pull content wherever you want. The bad part, as a publisher, is that the user may be missing out on important information that is on the site but doesn't display in articles. WordPress' hook system to the rescue! The PHP We're going...
Going Async With ES6 Generators
Now that you've seen ES6 generators and are more comfortable with them, it's time to really put them to use for improving our real-world code. The main strength of generators is that they provide a single-threaded, synchronous-looking code style, while allowing you to hide the...
The Simple Intro to SVG Animation
This article serves as a first step toward mastering SVG element animation. Included within are links to key resources for diving deeper, so bookmark this page and refer back to it throughout your journey toward SVG mastery. An SVG element is a special type of DOM element...
Preprocess Comment Content in WordPress
I've put a great amount of effort into making sure the comment system on this blog is fast and feature-filled. The comment system is AJAX-based so you don't need to worry about page refreshes. You can also post links to GitHub gists, CodePen pens, and JSFiddle fiddles and...
Abusing console.log to Remove Debug Code
One of the big efforts of this blog is to make it as fast and compact as possible. I shave bytes and do everything I can to make the site as lightning fast as possible. In looking at my site's main JavaScript file...