Remove Mobile Firefox Button Gradient

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If you have an Android device, you've gotta check out Firefox for Android.  It's an outstanding mobile browser -- it has been very well received and you can even install apps from the Firefox Marketplace from within this awesome browser.  One usability practice implemented by Firefox for Android is a gradient shade on all button elements.  While I appreciate the idea, I don't necessarily want this added to elements which I want to look a very specific way.  Removing this gradient effect is simple:

/* Cancels out Firefox Mobile's gradient background */
button {
	background-image: none;

Before you jump on Mozilla for this practice, WebKit-based browsers do something very similar.  Preventing this effect is also very simple so if you want to remove this gradient, use the code above and you're on your way!

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  1. Works with input and textarea elements too :)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!