Remove Mobile Firefox Button Gradient

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If you have an Android device, you've gotta check out Firefox for Android.  It's an outstanding mobile browser -- it has been very well received and you can even install apps from the Firefox Marketplace from within this awesome browser.  One usability practice implemented by Firefox for Android is a gradient shade on all button elements.  While I appreciate the idea, I don't necessarily want this added to elements which I want to look a very specific way.  Removing this gradient effect is simple:

/* Cancels out Firefox Mobile's gradient background */
button {
	background-image: none;

Before you jump on Mozilla for this practice, WebKit-based browsers do something very similar.  Preventing this effect is also very simple so if you want to remove this gradient, use the code above and you're on your way!

Recent Features

Incredible Demos


  1. Works with input and textarea elements too :)

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!