Control Your Web Application’s Icon

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Fluip App is an nice Mac application for creating desktop applications that wrap a web application. All you need to do is give a URL and a name, and the application generates a .app file within the Applications directory. One other piece of information you can give is the application icon; the default icon being the website's favicon. If you have a web application which could act as it's own desktop application, it's good to be aware that some users may be creating .app's of your site. Did you know that there's a way that you can tell Fluid to use an alternate icon (other than the favicon) for the generated app? It's as easy as adding an additional LINK tag:

<link rel="fluid-icon" href="" title="GitHub" />

Set the rel to fluid-icon, the href to the high-res image location, and the title to the proposed application title and you're done! Check out GitHub's source to see this tag in "real world" action!

I love when I spot tiny snippets like this that help to enrich your website whilst not taking a lot of time to implement. Other such tips include Facebook Open Graph tags, META Tags to Bookmark Sites on IOS, Overriding XP and Windows themes, and Chrome Frame activation.

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  1. and what is the windows equivalent for the same ?

  2. Kristoffer

    Interestingly Google Chrome has this feature now – Create application shortcuts. It uses link[rel="icon"].

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!