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    Mobile Sites Vs. Responsive – The Day After Google’s Algorithm Update

    Google recently rolled out a much anticipated update to its Googlebot web crawler. The overall theme of the update centered on mobile web browsing. You've no doubt heard any number of statistics thrown around recently about the swelling user base of mobile browsing. Well, so has...

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    PSD to Code Services and Tools to Make Your Work Easier

    Our listing includes some of the top PSD to HTML conversion businesses in the industry. Unless you are exceptionally proficient at converting a PhotoShop design idea into code, or you just prefer to do everything yourself, you will probably find a service below that can make...

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    New:  Webdesigner News!

    A new and exciting website has recently been launched for web designers and developers. You likely spend hours every morning browsing through hundreds of posts on your RSS feeds, hoping to stumble across relevant stories. Webdesigner News was built to provide web designers and developers with...

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    Qards: How to Create an Awesome Website with Video Backgrounds

    A video is nothing else then "image in motion".  For someone, a video might represent the essence of enriching memories from childhood; for another one it might be a PR and sales instrument to showcase the latest smart device on market. No matter what's the story...

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    The Best Web Tools And Services To Start 2015

    This showcase contains the best web tools and services to start 2015. Web developers, designers but also everybody else will benefit a lot by finding out more about these awesome tools. You will work easier and faster with these top notch solutions. Pidoco.com Pidoco is...

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    15 UX and UI Tools and Resources for Web Designers

    If you are looking for a UI and UX tool to make your design work faster and easier than ever, you may find the solution in the listing below. The tools listed here are a combination of newer tools that have come on the market, and...

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    Bloom: The Answer to the Question of Whether E-mail Opt-in Forms Can be Effective and Aesthetic

    One of the harsh slaps across the face that reality brings to the dreams of making it big in internet marketing is that the form that asks visitors to your site to hand over their e-mail address is in most cases ineffective. What can such a...

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    Mighty Deals:  Microthemer: Code-Free Visual WP Theme and Plugin Editor

    WordPress' open-source nature offers a tremendous amount of freedom when it comes to creating and adjusting your themes. But if you're not an expert in HTML or CSS, it can be a major hassle! Well, put your frustrations aside, because with Microthemer from

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    10 Deals You Cannot Pass Up

    Nobody can pass up a good deal, that is perhaps the most well known truth about all of us. Unfortunately, not all deals are as exciting, for example, I would love to get 50% discounts on WordPress themes from a daily deals website, but am less...

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    Choose the Right Tool or Platform for Your Next Web Design Project

    It's a simple matter of looking through this year's top rated plugins and website building platforms. In this post, you have them right before your eyes. No need to go on a wild goose chase and waste hours of your precious time. Before we get started...