Shell Tutorials

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    Convert JPG, PNG, and Animated GIF to WEBP

    New image formats like WEP and MOZJPEG will be a major boost to load time on the web.  The majority of page load and render time is usually attributed to unoptimized images, so these new formats will make both mobile and desktop load times faster.  I've...

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    Create Context Menu Items in Mac Finder

    As much as I like exercising my command line skills, for many tasks I'd rather click a time or two.  The problem is that yarn install, brew install, and other package managers don't come with UI extending knowledgable people like us need to find a...

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    How to checksum

    Many of us see the term checksum and checksum outputs frequently but don't really take the time to run them -- oftentimes we simply trust the file we've downloaded is in working order and from the original source.  This past weekend when I was attempting to...

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    Show Hidden Files in Mac Finder

    Setting up a new machine is a great time for me to write blog posts about configuration settings that I'd forgotten to document.  Much of the time I refer back to this post to figure out how I did things like Add Dock Separators and...

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    Node EADDRINUSE (Address Already in Use) Error

    Every once in a while my MacBook Pro freaks out and a process goes rogue.  This oftentimes happens when I'm working on the excellent debugger.html project; I attempt to start the server side of the debugger and suddenly I'm hit with an error that resembles the...

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    Split Files Into Smaller Files

    As fast as internet connections have gotten over the years, it seems the size of files we want to share has grown faster.  Whether it's archive (ZIP), video, or any other host of potentially large file types, it's still tricky to put these large files somewhere...

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    Show git Branch from Command Line

    Whether it's simply submitting pull requests or being snobby enough to use vim as a text editor, web developers and designers spend an awful lot of time working from command line.  If you do work with git, you know it's important to keep track of your branches...

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    Node.js Debugging

    Proper logging is of massive utility for web apps, both during development and after deployment.  What can sometimes be difficult is organizing both the code and output of logging, i.e. knowing where each log message is coming from.  I recently found debug, a Node.js utility...

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    Create a Waveform Image with ffmpeg

    Waveform images have a variety of uses and I've started seeing waveform images overlaying at the bottom of videos.  That type of feature seems useful if you want to see identify music in a video or specific spaces in a video which feature action.  If you're...

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    Create Aliases in Bash

    Every developer likes a shortcut -- they're what make us more efficient in our work.  Of course there are good shortcuts and bad shortcuts (lazy coding, lack of security review, etc.), but let's stick with the positive and talk about a good shortcut:  bash aliases. We all have commands...