Show Hidden Files in Mac Finder
Setting up a new machine is a great time for me to write blog posts about configuration settings that I'd forgotten to document. Much of the time I refer back to this post to figure out how I did things like Add Dock Separators and add support for Xbox controllers.
One important configuration detail developers like myself need is the ability to view hidden and dot files from within Finder:
To show hidden files within Finder, execute the following from the command line terminal:
# Always show hidden files
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# Reset Finder for the settings to take effect
killall Dock
You'd think your machine was empty until you see the mountain of hidden files that macOS hides by default! I understand why Apple hides these files by default: they want the machine to seem simple for most users. Us developers, however, need to know where all the skeletons are!
CSS cubes really showcase what CSS has become over the years, evolving from simple color and dimension directives to a language capable of creating deep, creative visuals. Add animation and you've got something really neat. Unfortunately each CSS cube tutorial I've read is a bit...
The <canvas>
element has been a revelation for the visual experts among our ranks. Canvas provides the means for incredible and efficient animations with the added bonus of no Flash; these developers can flash their awesome JavaScript skills instead. Here are nine unbelievable canvas demos that...
This post is a proof of concept post -- the functionality is yet to be perfected.
Picture this: you've found yourself on a website that uses horizontal scrolling instead of vertical scrolling. It's an artistic site so you accept that the site scrolls left to right.
As much as developers now loathe Flash, we're still playing a bit of catch up to natively duplicate the animation capabilities that Adobe's old technology provided us. Of course we have canvas, an awesome technology, one which I highlighted 9 mind-blowing demos. Another technology available...
Cmd + Shift + .
I found it much quicker. Have a great day!
Easy to think about it. Cmd + Shift + dot (like a dotfiles — hidden files in mac OS)
I’ve setup two aliases for this so it’s easy to toggle between the modes.
Or you can use ⌘+ ⇧ + .
There is an easier way to do this. Just press ⌘⇧. in the Finder or open/save dialog.
When did this come out??? ⌘+ ⇧ + .