httpstat: Simple cURL Stats

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There are a lot of tools out there that do great, advanced things but present them as well as they could be presented.  I wont knock cURL for anything -- it's an amazing tool many of us can't live without;  what I will say, however, is that it's nice having tools on top of cURL for better presentation or extended functionality.

I recently discovered httpstat, which is a single python file which (simply) graphically displays request event timing, from DNS lookup to content transfer:



What you get in the end is an ASCII table showing how long each step took.  Of big interest to me is the "server processing" step -- if this number is large, you can probably do some things to your code or server to speed things up.

Grab httpstat and check out your site speed -- you might not be happy with the numbers!

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  1. Hi David, the utility is also available via Homebrew for Mac users.


  2. Loris

    Off Topic: what is the colour scheme of the terminal in the screenshot?

    • David

      Looks like solarized with a darker background color.

  3. Renok

    There is also a node module wrapper for this up on NPM, works like a charm.

  4. Awesome script! I’ve always relied on to generate similar stats, but it needs phantomjs.

    Sometimes I just need download info, and this looks like a great option.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!