List Files in Human Readable Format
I maintain an older computer with a small hard drive. I use it mostly for storing MP3s, videos, and other types of basic media. Unfortunately I often get warnings that disk space is low and so I need to delete files I no longer need; i.e. music or movies I have probably grown tired of. I always sort them by size, largest first, so I can find out where the cogs are.
The problem is I try to stick to command line but only know how to do that sorting with human readable format by using Mac's Finder utility. I recent found a command which will output the contents of the current directory and its subdirectories by human readable size:
du -sk -- * | sort -n | perl -pe '@SI=qw(K M G T P); s:^(\d+?)((\d\d\d)*)\s:$1." ".$SI[((length $2)/3)]."\t":e'
That command is kinda gross so you'll probably want to save it as an alias. Nonetheless I now know how to get the desired information from command line!
I use omnidisksweeper once in a while to get rid of junk
I don’t know if this is cross-platform or not, but on Ubuntu I use this