Markup Tutorials
Remove Broken Images Using Dojo
In an effort to get better with the Dojo Toolkit, I've decided to port yet another one of my previous posts: Remove Broken Images Using MooTools or jQuery. Broken images are an eyesore to any website so there's no point to keeping them...
Link Nudging Using Dojo
In the past we've tinkered with link nudging with MooTools and link nudging with jQuery. In an effort to familiarize myself with other JavaScript frameworks, we're going to try to duplicate that effect with another awesome framework: Dojo. The JavaScript: Attempt...
Create a Simple News Scroller Using MooTools, Part I: The Basics
News scroller have been around forever on the internet. Why? Because they're usually classy and effective. Over the next few weeks, we'll be taking a simple scroller and making it into a flexible, portable class. We have to crawl before we...
Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools, Part IV: Thumbnails and Captions
My "Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools" series has been hugely successful. The first step was laying the groundwork for the slideshow, the second step was adding controls and events to the slideshow, and the third step was recoding the slideshow...
Create an Animated Sliding Button Using MooTools
Buttons (or links) are usually the elements on our sites that we want to draw a lot of attention to. Unfortunately many times they end up looking the most boring. You don't have to let that happen though! I recently found a...
Fancy FAQs with jQuery Sliders
Frequently asked questions can be super boring, right? They don't have to be! I've already shown you how to create fancy FAQs with MooTools -- here's how to create the same effect using jQuery. The HTML Simply a series of H3s and DIVs wrapper...
Using MooTools ScrollSpy to Load More Items via JSON/AJAX
Last July I wrote an epic dominant unbelievable fantastic outstanding awesome NetTuts post called Create a Twitter-Like "Load More" Widget Using CSS, HTML, JSON, and jQuery or MooTools where I used a MooTools/AJAX/JSON system for loading additional items when the user clicks a "Load...
Introducing MooTools ElementSpy
One part of MooTools I love is the ease of implementing events within classes. Just add Events to your Implements array and you can fire events anywhere you want -- these events are extremely helpful. ScrollSpy and many other popular MooTools plugins would...
Checkbox Filtering Using MooTools ElementFilter
When I first wrote MooTools ElementFilter, I didn't think much of it. Fast forward eight months later and I've realized I've used the plugin a billion times. Hell, even one of the "big 3" search engines is using it for their maps application.
Scrolling “Agree to Terms” Component with MooTools ScrollSpy
Remember the good old days of Windows applications forcing you to scroll down to the bottom of the "terms and conditions" pane, theoretically in an effort ensure that you actually read them? You're saying "No David, don't do it." Too late -- I've done...