Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Sara Soueidan’s Favorite CodePen Demos

    A few months ago, Chris Coyier shared his favorite CodePen demos right here on David's blog. A while back David asked me to share some of my favorite pens too, so here are some of the demos that have blown my mind in the past...

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    Ana Tudor’s Favorite CodePen Demos

    Cocoon I love canvas, I love interactive demos and I don't think I have ever been more impressed by somebody's work than when I discovered what Tiffany Rayside has created on CodePen. So I had to start off with one of her interactive canvas pens, even though...

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    Designing for Simplicity

    Before we get started, it's worth me spending a brief moment introducing myself to you. My name is Mark (or @integralist if Twitter happens to be your communication tool of choice) and I currently work for BBC News in London England as a principal engineer/tech...

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    SVG Animations Using CSS and Snap.svg

    Today I wanted to share with you the ease of animation in SVG with the tools we have available to us today. SVG is still one of those subjects that can scare away a lot of developers, but I'm here to show you hopefully just...

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    13 Factors to Consider While Choosing a JavaScript Charting Library

    Before starting your search for a charting library, you need to know that creating good data visualization (dataviz) is a huge time investment if you are planning to build a serious application. Having clear answers to questions like what exactly your dataviz is going to achieve...

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    Regular Expressions for the Rest of Us

    Sooner or later you'll run across a regular expression. With their cryptic syntax, confusing documentation and massive learning curve, most developers settle for copying and pasting them from StackOverflow and hoping they work. But what if you could decode regular expressions and harness their power? In...

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    Fixing Coercion, Not The Symptoms

    TL;DR Your complaints of x == y behaviors being weird, buggy, or downright broken have all blamed == as the culprit. No, it's really not. == is pretty helpful, actually. The problems you're having are not with the == operator itself, but with the underlying values and how...

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    Visual Regression Testing For Angular Applications

    I recently planned a major CSS refactoring project to transition a large e-commerce site from an antiquated 1024px design to a more modern, responsive design. This situation is of course not unique. Responsive design has officially made it's way from UX blogs to the corner office -...

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    How to Use Images to Improve Conversion Rate

    Are you searching far and wide for a way to improve your new e-Commerce website conversion rate? Are you willing to try anything and everything, as long as it generates positive results? While many people focus on the most obvious points, such as the layout...

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    Detect Problems in JavaScript Automatically with ESLint

    When writing JavaScript, I spend a lot of time fixing basic mistakes. I often rename a variable and test my app, and then find I didn’t rename the variable in one spot. I rename functions, same thing. I type things wrong, and again waste time clicking...