Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Getting Started with Whitestorm.js

    What is whitestorm.js? Whitestorm.js is a framework for developing 3D applications or games that run in browser. This framework is basically a wrapper around Three.js library (like jQuery wraps DOM to make it easier to use). It extends Three.js with simple API and component...

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    stdlib: Create Scalable Node.js Microservices in a Flash

    Hey everyone - today I have the honor of walking you through using the brand new service registry for microservices, stdlib. You can also check out stdlib on GitHub, which is the open source project we'll be using to generate service scaffolding and take care of package management.

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    Modernization of Reactivity

    Reactive programming has taken JavaScript by storm over the last decade, and for good reason; front-end development greatly benefits from the simplicity of writing user interface code that "reacts" to data changes, eliminating substantial error-prone imperative code tasked with updating UIs. However, while the popularity has...

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    45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts

    Many open source projects use Github Issues as the main medium of communication and tool for task management. Its openness and availability is one of their greatest strengths. But some quick tips will make you a much more responsible participant, especially in large projects. Reporting Issues Do open...

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    TypeScript, WTF?!

    If you hang around in the JavaScript community, along with left-pad you almost have certainly heard of TypeScript. Having large frameworks, like Angular 2 and EmberJS embrace it have given it a lot of focus. I would like to think too, that Dojo 2...

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    Step-By-Step Guide to Stripe Payments in React

    This is an adapted from several excerpts from Scott Hasbrouck's book, "The Node.js Engineer's Guide to Stripe" - Available Now! with a 10% discount for David Walsh readers with code: WALSH10 What We’ll Cover Replace Checkout.js with Stripe.js Removing the Checkout.js button Adding required...

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    can-zone is a library that implements Zones. Zones are an abstraction allowing you to write cleaner code for a variety of purposes, including implementing server-side rendered (SSR) applications, profiling, more useful stack traces for debugging, or a clean way to implement dirty checking. This article will...

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    Questions for Google AMP

    While writing the article for David Walsh’s blog I had posted a version of the article on Medium to have @cramforce, the lead on Google AMP, answer the questions brought up. Here is a link to the article where he posted those answers: As developers...

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    How to Build Charts in Angular

    It is very easy to get lost in the flood of JavaScript frameworks and libraries that we, as front-end developers, have to choose from these days. Every week some new framework springs up and takes you back to the comparison board, making your task of selecting...

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    Nodal: A Tutorial for Easily Creating API Services in Node.js

    If you haven't heard about Nodal yet, or you have but you're unsure of where to begin, this tutorial is for you! Make sure you keep up with Nodal on GitHub to follow project updates. Nodal is a Node.js server platform and framework that enables you to develop API...