Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    HTML5 Input Types Alternative

    As you may know, HTML5 has introduced several new input types: number, date, color, range, etc. The question is: should you start using these controls or not? As much as I want to say "Yes", I think they are not yet ready for any real life...

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    CSS Vertical Centering

    Front-end developing is beautiful, and it's getting prettier by the day. Nowadays we got so many concepts, methodologies, good practices and whatnot to make our work stand out from the rest. Javascript (along with its countless third party libraries) and CSS have grown so big, helping...

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    A CRUD JavaScript Class

    A couple of weeks ago, I started making a little to-do list app' in JavaScript, with history, localStorage and quite a couple of things in order to get better at JavaScript. After a couple of hours, I decided to externalize the storage in an...

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    Building a 3D MMO Using WebSockets

    Hi there! My name is Nick Janssen, creator of Ironbane, a 3D MMO that uses WebGL and WebSockets. With this article I would like to give you a better insight in MMO's and make you less afraid of the complexities involved in building one.

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    Improving Web App Performance With Memcached

    When we think of storage in a web application our first thought is usually a traditional database like MySQL. This is great for long term storage and data analysis, but there's a better option for many short-term needs: memcached. It's a great choice for...

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    PSD2HTML Contest

    Today I have a great contest from my friends at PSD2HTML which will come in handy for all busy web designers and developers. PSD2HTML is the world's first and most famous service that can take your design files and convert them into a neat...

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    Write Your CSS with JavaScript

    Sometimes programming is just using the right tool. This may be a framework, library or as it happens in my case CSS preprocessor. You probably don't realize it, but LESS or SASS have a lot of constraints. I managed to change that by writing my own...

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    Meteor for Front-End Engineers

    As part of my daily web browsing routine, I follow a number of front-end blogs. I'm always amazed at how far good front-end engineers can push JavaScript and CSS, and how well they are able to master the intricacies of web browsers.Yet I also can't help...

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    Starting to Write CSS

    Don't you feel that CSS is not the same anymore? Last few years became a hot topic and many smart people talked about it. CSS is not that little thing which front-end developer should do to make the page looks pretty. It's far more then that.

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    Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos

    David asked me if I'd be up for a guest post picking out some of my favorite Pens from CodePen. A daunting task! There are so many! I managed to pick a few though that have blown me away over the past few months. If you...