Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Creating Scrolling Parallax Effects with CSS

    Introduction For quite a long time now websites with the so called "parallax" effect have been really popular. In case you have not heard of this effect, it basically includes different layers of images that are moving in different directions or with different speed. This leads to a...

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    How to Handle Deferred Objects in DoCSSa

    Introduction DoCSSa is a Sass based architecture and methodology. You can read about it at and get the source code of that documentation on the GitHub page. The source code makes use of the concepts, so it's a good starting point. In this article, we...

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    Sass Color Variables That Don’t Suck

    One of the best reasons to use Sass is variables. They help keep your code DRY, which makes it easy to maintain and change. However, with colors, it's easy for your variables to get out of hand. In this article, I'll show you an...

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    CSS vs. JS Animation: Which is Faster?

    How is it possible that JavaScript-based animation has secretly always been as fast — or faster — than CSS transitions? And, how is it possible that Adobe and Google consistently release media-rich mobile sites that rival the performance of native apps? This article serves as a point-by-point...

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    Preview: Element Queries, From the Feet Up

    Element Queries, what are they? Have you ever wanted to style an element using something like Media Queries, but based on *its own* dimensions instead of the browser's viewport? That's what Element Queries would provide. Having this ability would make responsive styling of layouts and components easier...

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    Write Better JavaScript with Promises

    You've probably heard the talk around the water cooler about how promises are the future. All of the cool kids are using them, but you don't see what makes them so special. Can't you just use a callback? What's the big deal? In this article, we'll...

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    Look Ma, no CMS!

    I hate complexity. And when I say hate I really mean it. When you build websites several years, you start realizing that the simplicity is your best friend. As simple one system is as easy is to develop and maintain it. Nowadays, every...

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    Hosting a Website on Amazon S3

    Everyone knows that Amazon S3 is great for storing files. It's fast, inexpensive, and easy to setup. What you may not realize is that you can also host static websites on this robust platform. What is a static website? In short, it's a website comprised of...

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    Pygments on PHP & WordPress

    I've been in a long journey trying to find a great code highlighter, I've been using a lot of them that I can't even remember. These are the ones I can remember right now: SyntaxHighlighter Google Prettifier highlighter.js Geshi Right now I'm using highlighter.js but it wasn't exactly what I...

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    How Nesting 3D Transformed Elements Works

    CSS animations are incredibly popular right now, and I don't just mean animating a simple color or dimension property, I mean 3D transformations as well; CSS flips and rotating cubes being prime examples. We can find simple CSS snippets and examples for transforms, but...