Guest Blogger Tutorials

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    Resize an Image Using Canvas, Drag and Drop and the File API

    Recently I was asked to create a user interface that allows someone to upload an image to a server (among other things) so that it could be used in the various web sites my company provides to its clients. Normally this would be an easy task—create a...

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    Replicating the DOOM Screen Melt with JavaScript and Canvas

    I love retro games almost as much as I love development and from time to time I find myself addicted to games I haven't played in 20 or more years. This weekend while loading up DOOM on my speedy 486/SX (a full 66mhz of speed!) I...

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    Looking Into the Future of Sass

    Sass is a CSS preprocessor. This is now common knowledge. First commit in 2007 by Hampton Catlin. Now the most used CSS preprocessor. Sass has come a long way since its beginning. In case you are not very familiar with this stuff, I highly recommend you

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    The Parallax SEO Conundrum

    This post touches on the parallax SEO issue and offers solutions to fix it. If you're following the trends in web design at least from time to time, you probably know that parallax scrolling is one of the cool things that are all the rage as...

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    3 UX Lessons from Pinterest

    Pinterest has exploded in recent years from obscure project to global phenomenon. Why? And how can Pinterest's user experience inform developers and designers of all sorts? Let's learn from some of Pinterest's bleeding edge design decisions. Search vs. Browsing: How Do...

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    Scraping iTunes Charts Using Scrapy Python

    Hacking is more fun when you have some data to play with, but from where do you get data when you are just hacking for fun? I use web scraping to make my hacks interesting and cool and have learned a lot in the process. In...

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    How to Design Responsively

    Introduction In this article I want to share my thoughts regarding responsive design. I made several talks on this subject and this post is some kind of summary. The article presents concepts like mobile first and design in the browser. What is responsive web design Scott Kellum...

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    JS Objects: De”construct”ion

    In part 1 of this article series (which you should totally go read if you haven't yet!), I revisited an idea not original to me: JS doesn't have "inheritance" in the traditional sense, and what it does have is more appropriately labeled "behavior delegation" -- the...

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    JS Objects: Distractions

    In part 1 of this article series, I went into great detail (aka, wordiness) about the differences between what the traditional definition of "inheritance" means and how JS's [[Prototype]] mechanism works. We saw that JS operates oppositely to "inheritance", being better labeled as "behavior delegation". If you haven't read...

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    JS Objects: Inherited a Mess

    year 2013: Haskell people are still writing monad tutorials, JavaScript people are still trying to explain inheritance. — Vyacheslav Egorov (@mraleph) April 12, 2013 As sad a criticism on JS as that quote is, it's quite true. (I have no perspective on Haskell or Monads, so I'm...