Tutorials Page 96

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    Accessibility Tip:  Empty alt Attributes

    As mostly a self-taught developer, my impressions of best practices were self-formed, and over the years I've realized many of those impressions were incorrect or the standards associated with them had quickly changed.  One small but important practice is the usage of alt attributes on img tags, and I had thought...

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    20 Top Tools and Resources for Creating Responsive, Quick Website

    Web developers as well as web designers know the importance of releasing high-quality work, especially in this day and age when they face ever-growing competition on the market. Luckily, there are tools and resources they can utilize in order to work faster, more efficiently and even...

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    Get Real Image Height and Width Dimensions

    One massive help provided by CSS in aiding developers to create responsive designs is max-width.  I always set img, iframe, and embed tags to max-width: 100% so that they aren't allowed bleed through their parent and stretch the page on mobiles, but I recently asked myself if it...

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    Detecting Google Universal Analytics

    Just about everyone uses Google Analytics and why shouldn't they?  The amount of useful data you can pull from Google Analytics, especially if you use custom dimensions, is amazing.  Whether you're A/B testing, trying to increase engagement, or improve sales, Google Analytics is just about perfect. I recently experimented with...

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    Top Prototyping and App Creation Tools and Resources

    When you're crafting websites, web apps, and mobile apps at a professional level, it makes sense to recruit the best tools on the market, those that are certain to help you achieve your purpose and do a great job, time and time again. Below is a...

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    The Truth About CSS

    Whether you call yourself a "full stack engineer" or not, most of us fashion ourselves able to dabble on each side of a website infrastructure.  Of course the same people who fancy themselves as capable would probably also tell you they're much stronger on client or server sides.

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    Declarative Build Configurations

    Some time ago I posted an article how you can build apps faster using a build tool called Angus. In the meantime the tool has gotten a whole lot better, embracing the concept of declarative build configurations. In this article I would like to show...

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    iOS Mobile Safari Hover Menu Fix

    One component I'm quite proud of creating is the Mozilla Developer Network's dropdown menu component.  It's elegant, flexible, accessible via keyboard, and relatively compact (though it does require jQuery).  One problem I did notice, however, was that tapping once opened the menu (good) but you'd have...

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    Node.contains: Check if a Node is a Child of Another Node

    There are loads of basic, native JavaScript methods that many developers don't know about.  Many people don't know about the Element.classList API, for example, so className management becomes another case for needing a JavaScript toolkit for even the most basic tasks.  Another case is checking for node...

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    Unwrapping JSON-P

    This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We're going to look at how to unwrap the "P" function-call padding from a JSON-P string to get the JSON from it. Note: Obviously, the recent push toward ubiquity of CORS is making JSON-P less important...