Tutorials Page 95

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    For and against `let`

    In this post I'm going to examine the case for (and perhaps against?) one of the new features coming in JavaScript ES6: the let keyword. let enables a new form of scoping not previously accessible generally to JS developers: block scoping. Function Scope Let's briefly review the basics...

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    Write Better Media Queries with Sass

    Let's face facts: media queries can be a pain. They're difficult to write and they tend to get duplicated a lot. Sass includes a few helpful features that make media queries easier to work with. This article will show you these tricks and how you can...

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    Why Monarch is One of the Most Promising Social Plugins Ever Built

    Today, nearly everyone from first- and second-world countries lives and breathes social networking. So it hardly comes as a surprise that, in what can now be described as the Internet Era, an overwhelming majority of people relish in sharing information on all sorts of online venues.

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    The Truth About Production Testing

    Testing on production environments is something you must do but really, really would prefer not to do, right?  You can do some incredible damage in a short amount of time if you aren't careful, and when things do run smoothly, you think to yourself "Why even take the...

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    Responsive Images: The Ultimate Guide

    Chances are that any Web designers using our Ghostlab browser testing app, which allows seamless testing across all devices simultaneously, will have worked with responsive design in some shape or form. And as today's websites and devices become ever more varied, a plethora of responsive images...

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    Emulate the Invert Filter Effect with Sass

    After figuring out how to get the result of the invert filter for a solid background, the next idea that came to mind was naturally doing this with Sass in order to reproduce the filter effect for browsers not supporting filters. Sass already has...

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    Detect Inverted Color with CSS and JavaScript

    There was something that bugged me after reading David's article on the invert filter last week. It was this sentence: The values reported back by window.getComputedStyle(el) will be the original CSS values, however, so there's no way of getting the true inverted values of given properties. But...

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    JavaScript: Constructor Auto-Execution with new Keyword

    JavaScript is full of small, interesting facets that can trip you up, make you laugh, or make you cry.  This post is about an interesting one.  Those of you that have worked with JavaScript functions, and in a way JavaScript "classes" (as you used with MooTools)...

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    Startup WordPress Theme: the New and Improved Framework from Designmodo

    An army of frameworks vies for your attention, and the web is stacked with many options,  free and costly, which offer to help web designers craft WordPress websites for their clients. Yet, when startup company owners require your services, you need a framework that offers...

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    Invert Colors Using CSS

    I've been obsessed lately with finding new or lesser known CSS properties and values and playing around when them.  Some of them are quite useful and others are seemingly only for a giggle.  CSS filters fall in the useful department:  grayscale, blur, sepia --...